Of Real Bloggers Of Zimbabwe

I have been blogging for a fair bit of time and back when I started it seemed like there were a lot less local and continental African bloggers or maybe we just did know about each other, or how to find each other. As I learnt more about the blogosphere I wished there was a person or people I could reach out to ask blog related things, I became the person I had been looking for when I started blogging. In some blogging circles I am known as an Uncle Of Bloggers and I actively try to build and shape the blogging community of Africa.

A quick scan of bloggers participating in the Afrobloggers Winter Blogging Challenge shows there’s now over 80 and growing… Its been exhilarating, interacting with bloggers from outside my regular sphere of influence.

Day 7 of the WinterABC is for sharing 5 bloggers from your country. Here are 5 Zimbabwean blogs which I have connected with in my sojourn of the Zimababwean blogging scape and now join me to watch them soar….

Melody – On becoming


Melody has wanted to start a blog for a long time over the past years a couple of her articles have found their home on my blog….

In 2017 Zola @ooeygooey sent a tweet and it read « If you knew that you wouldn’t be here tomorrow, what brave thing would you do today ». I responded to her tweet by sharing that if I was not scared I would start a blog.


And now she is forging her blogging path

Miss Kay Blogs


Chipo started blogging last year around this time, just in time to join the previous WinterABC which is how our blogging circles came to interact. She’s was the winner of a twitter giveaway I did to celebrate my sixth blogging anniversary.

Towards the end of the year Chipo’s initial site underwent technical challenges but she has resolved  to started all over again blog…

Shall we do this once more, this time a little bit more different. A little random if I may say.

Miss Kay

Just for Foodies


This delicious blog which you must not visit on empty stomach unless you are looking for ideas on where to eat and what to eat in Zimbabwe has won the award for best food and drink in the ZimBlog awards 2020

Hello Foodies

Best Food & Drink Award Zimbabwe Blogging Awards Just For Foodies

The Blog is run by Ellen a multi-faceted creative, copy writer and actress who kicks butt and does magic with crystals on full moon nights and also blogs at Elliestrator and vlogs on YouTube

Humanity Boss – Nikki


I met Nikki at the 2019 Shoko Hub Awards where she and her team won an award for Women’s Voice Zimbabwe

2019 Shoko Hub Awards award for Women’s Voice Zimbabwe

 (Our pitch was unsuccessful as according to an aside with one of the judges our community was too big to count as a start up or maybe that was just to make us feel better… I really wanted an award not to mention the grant that came along with it which would have made a reality our vision for the African Blogging Community, but I digress..)

Nicole is also a photojournalistic Blogger

Teemadzika – Half Thoughts


Back in the early years of my blogging this blog was one of the first Zimbabwean blogs I “discovered” I found it funny quirky and absolutely hilarious, seriously, this is a blog you could read the end of the world as you know it about and still laugh. We all have a story to tell and he writes his chronicles and between the laughter Tafadzwa tells his.

And can I just bonus mention EthneticMe (who is profoundly authentic and ethnic) and HeyAnci(I am pretty sure Anci may end up working at Google if anyone knows how to get in touch with Larry and Sergey can you ask them to check out her blog) from my crazy blogging circle Blog Indaba

Oh and Makupsy whose blog again was another of the first local ones I “discovered” as her blogging journey has evolved to now where new adventure and now also runs a fitness blog FitnessbaeZim

Ok I know a lot of bloggers, I could go on, and on… but in the meantime do check these out and tell them regards from the uncle


PS You can also plug yourself into my comments, consider this a Bloggers’s lift.

Responses to “Of Real Bloggers Of Zimbabwe”

  1. advocateofunpopularopinions avatar

    A piece of appreciation with a touch of an uncle

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I intended to add your blog too but well I had reached the limit of the magic number 5
      why 5?


  2. thandogwinji avatar

    Its Day 7 Uncle B 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      where is my head????? hahahaha

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Fitness Bae avatar

    Maan I feel so special! Thank you for the shout out Uncle

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are 😂😂


  4. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

    That’s awesome to hear that your community is growing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Yep looks like we have a movement spanning 10 countries 😍 I am inspired.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hope Chilinda avatar

    Let me check out the ones that are new to me…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Awesome stuff

      Liked by 1 person

  6. dprastka avatar

    Love your growing community!! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. conniedia avatar

    Here camping from Uganda and making a mental note.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      The beauty of blogging is that boarders don’t matter 😃 you could across the room from me or across the continent 😂


      1. conniedia avatar

        Have already cleared a whole lot of space for you. The way your selling am not missing out ✌️✌️👊

        Liked by 2 people

  8. musanjufu benjamin kavubu avatar

    So the ninth include those in the diaspora because this year I have noticed about 4

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are right we, here’s to growth !

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The Fash Media avatar

    These are so cool. It would be awesome seeing this industry being more appreciated….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      I absolutely agree with you, blogging is not getting the recognition it deserves part of that is on us for not being deliberate and intentional in the craft. It gets hard to convince anyone to take the industry seriously if its practitioners are projecting a very casual demeanor.
      But I think we slowly getting traction


  10. heyanci avatar

    Was I an after thought UNC:LE (LOL) and yes Google is reading for me and my sack of Madora and Thank you ( I am not crying)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      No not an after thought, first I had wanted to share Bloggers somewhat new to the scene then, so I had skipped all the ‘veterans’ but like bad pennies they keep coming back 😂😂


  11. Simon avatar

    Keep inspiring them! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Simon

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Simon avatar

        Always man! 🙂


  12. ethneticme avatar

    You are the only uncle I recognise 😂😂
    You are too much, thank you for the shout out

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are absolutely welcome.


  13. sophialorenabenjamin avatar

    you did well Beaton…take a bow for bring us all so much joy…continue with your inspirations and be blessed

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Sophia


  14. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    Thanks Beaton


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