Of Coffee Socially Distanced

If you were having coffee with me, I would be glad to have you over in this socially distanced corner of the internet. Am I the only one who finds it weird how people are just throwing events and meetups then affixing the words *socially distanced* to promotional flyers…

socially distanced event

Irregardless (yes it’s a word probably one that should be used in polite vocabulary but I wrote about that here Of Irregardless) of the rising in Covid cases no one is really socially distancing with masks half-worn and there’s chatter of another lockdown as COVID cases start have been averaging 10 new cases everyday in the past week. A school had 100 learners test positive for COVID and the school has been locked down,  a polytechnic college also shut down in the past week when students started testing positive for COVID.

covid cases rising in Zimbabwe

If you were having coffee with me, I still think that our government powers-that-be should have spent the rest of the year fully planning for the dreaded Rona virus than trying to rush into opening for a crash course third term, which is probably going to result in very poor academic gain. Today teachers are expected to have resumed work after over 50 days of an incapacitation industrial action.

Last week civil servants got awarded a 41% salary increment and teachers unions have reluctantly agreed to go back to work. Hopefully sanity returns to the classroom. And incase you think that increase sounds like a lot then how about when you consider that toll gate fees have gone up by 100%

toll gate fees go up by 100%

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that the government launched a new blueprint for the economy the National Development Strategy 1 in which over the next 5 years, the president says that the government will:

•Create 760,000 new jobs
•Bring inflation down to between 3-7% by 2025
•Expand the economy by 5% year on year

National Development Strategy 1

While its good to have goals, year after year a cocktail of measurements with all sorts of ideals are launched and whose success lets just say remains punctuated by its absence. Writing more about them might result in my arrest for trying to subvert a constitutionally government.. I kid you not.

Rare picture of economic blueprint impact

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that the journalist Hopewell Chin’ono who was out on bail on charges of inciting people to violence and then arrested for violating bail conditions which was then charged as obstructing justice (for tweeting a tweet on Twitter)  and then denied bail on grounds of propensity to commit crime was finally released on bail after a  High Court appeal.

High court ruling on Hopewell

The High Court Justice found that the Magistrate had misruled and was wrong to say that Hopewell has a propensity to commit offences when he has not yet gotten a  guilty verdict. Bail conditions carry the additional note that Hopewell not to use his Twitter account to disseminate messages that undermine the course of justice.

While some celebrated his release others argued about he should not have been arrested in the first place. Hopewell who has become a symbol for those oppressed and persecuted by the system is undaunted by the arrest if not not even more resolved to expose corruption.

Daddy Hope on Twitter

If you were having coffee with me, I would tell you that beyond our borders in Uganda Bobi Wine a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections was also released on bail after he had been arrested at rally and later charged of violating COVID regulations as stated in The Public Health Act. His arrested sparked protests which resulted in the security forces reacting with lethal force and the death of at least 28 people according to the police statement while a police pathologist is quoted to have said they had counted 37 bodies by Thursday morning.

Bobi wine protest
Protest Uganda BBC/Getty Images

Security Minister Elly Tumwine told reporters that “police have a right to shoot you and kill you if you reach a certain level of violence”.

*Update: for a cyclist’s eye view of cycling through the streets of Kampala on the night Bobi Wine was arrested check out Cycling On A Night Of Terror

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you a spot of good news, our broadcasting authority has finally licenced broadcasting licences to six television stations, hopefully soon we will have six extra television channels other than just the one which I never tune into because the content is unflattering and the propaganda ridiculous.

Broadcasting authority of zimbabwe

Of course some people have pointed out how the licences have been granted to particular groups on some obscure patronage lines like how Rusununguko media is owned by the military and ZTN is an extension of state publishing, so the content  is not likely to be  as independent nor as diverse as one would want but instead a multiplication of the same old… Maybe they will prove us wrong, I hope they will prove us wrong maybe I might even start paying for a TV licence.

Jonathan Moyo watching SABC 3
archive cartoon of then Minister of Info NOT watching ZBC source NEWS DAY

If you were having coffee with me, I would ask you if you know the story behind the iconic track The Lion Sleeps Tonight? Check out my last post to see the journey of Mbube to Wimoweh to The Lion Sleeps tonight and the cultural entanglement and copyright swindlement and other shenanigans of the music industry…

Thanks for visiting whats been going on in your neck of the woods.

Uncle of bloggers
silver threads


Responses to “Of Coffee Socially Distanced”

  1. Dimples avatar

    As for that National Development what what. I didn’t even bother to find out what it’s all about. Just another failed policy document IMHO. *sigh*

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      And somebody will probably using it to loot tax payers money too funding equally obscure programs which will ultimately fail

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Elle avatar

    I still don’t believe irregardless is a word even if it’s officially a word now that I’ve heard 😂🙉 Although these are some sad news, I do hope that government strategy would work in the coming years; I hope for better days for your country. 🌻 Hey, B. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Yeah i am not holding my breath that the new strategy will actually help solve anything.

      Thank you for visiting Elle

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Beaton avatar

        To dye or not to dye….
        that is the question


  3. mattsnyder1970 avatar

    Nice to hear about Hopewell AND that he is still determined despite the incarceration. Kudos to him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty”

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    Soon you will have a whole head of white hair, any thoughts on dye ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      To dye or not to dye…
      That is the question


  5. rukutitus avatar

    Sometimes when I do not know what is going on in this teapot nation of ours, I always come to yoursite for updates. As you will be having your tea, I’ll be sipping my water because the weather is just too much lol. Schools should have continued to be closed and student repeat their grades next year. Surely, what will candidates write after the very long lockdown and the industrial action by the teachers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I wil drink tea while wiping off sweat from my forehead… then I will have a glass of ice cold water afterwards.
      Sometimes I really dont understand if our government is out of touch or just heartless


  6. Brenda Nakandi avatar

    Interesting you posted about the Bobi wine saga before I have (Just published a full post on how I reached home on my bike, in one piece) . More interesting is how the same political reasons that are getting iconic people imprisoned in Zimbabwe are getting opposition members apprehended in Uganda.
    Otherwise, great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      It’s crazy how much similarities African share just like during times the are “disturbances” you don’t want to be wearing red it’s the colour of opposition

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Brenda Nakandi avatar

    For some reason,wearing red actually seemed to spare many people’s asses during the protests, unlike yellow that civilians found themselves doffing in broad day light in fear of the protesters’ wrath.
    It was crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

    You don’t look very happy in that selfie. Did you just get up?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      May have been somewhat hungover at the time 🤣🤣

      PS Also not a morning person

      Liked by 2 people

  9. dprastka avatar

    I like the rare picture of the economic blueprint impact. 🤣 Made me giggle! I decided this year to stop coloring my hair. It’s a dark dusty blonde with silver strands running through it. That’s The top half of my head with very blonde long hair. My son who is 28 asked me the other day, what are those shiny hairs? Haha, there’s not a lot of gray and they are so shiny and white it blends with the blond I think. I think natural can be beautiful! Or handsome! Lol 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Those shiny things 🤣🤣🤣

      Just the way we are.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Kathleen Howell avatar

    I love that last pic of you! We are enjoying (?) a “socially distant” Thanksgiving today. We will Zoom with our family on Sunday. The whole thing is a mess. Still working remote, which I am so grateful for. Who knows when we’ll go back. I really feel for school age kids, none of the families I know are having success with this new arrangement.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lungile Shiburi avatar

    “Rare picture of economic blueprint impact” killed me 😅, the best summary ever 🤞🏿

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you for the visit

      Liked by 1 person

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