Of Coffee With The Boss

coffee with the boss

If you were having coffee with I would greet you with a compliment of the New Year and ask you how your year has started. For me, it doesn’t feel new at all just an extension of what I thought we left behind. It could be because New Year celebrations, gatherings and parties were cancelled… couldnt even go and do the ghastly celebration of banging on trash cans to usher in the New Year.

caution on New Year activities in Zimbabwe due to covid

The year didn’t start with a bang, as firecrackers were cancelled too but it rained at the stroke of midnight as if the world was being washed clean for a new season. At least for us law-abiding citizens, New Year was a quiet affair… meanwhile others were having shindigs with zero disregards for social distancing and curfews.

new year's eve crossover in Mbare Zimbabwe
New Year’s Eve Mbare Zimbabwe

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that the police have arrested 52 people in connection with the event above and thousands of others for violating COVID guidelines on during New Year’s festivities. Interesting to note is that arrests target the ghetto youths and medium to high-density suburbs but the connected boss folk from the leafy suburbs had their own New Year bashes and they are not talked about.

You get arrested for violating COVID regulations then they bundle you up to jail where there is zero social distancing… but what do I know, I am not boss of the country

If you were having coffee with me, I would ask you a hypothetical question. If the President invited you for a courtesy visit at the State House… would you go?

I ask this because a Zimbabwean footballer Tino Kadewere who is a striker for Olympique Lyon in the French Ligue 1 while on his Christmas break in Zim was accepted an invite to the State House.

Some fans felt this was a betrayal of the people to the regime, with some even vowing to stop supporting him as he was aligning himself with president’s colours even wearing that scarf which the president wears come winter and summer, rain and shine.

But can one really turn down a request from the president? When I posed the question to my Twitter I got an interesting range of answers but the majority suggested they would still go. I am not a big fan of the president, I didn’t even vote for him but I would definitely accept an invitation to dinner with the president at the State House.

What does one wear to visit the president? I don’t know but I would definitely pick something nice for the pictures and ask him if reads my blog, probably not, because I don’t think I would get the invitation if he did.

Anyway, I would take the opportunity to ask a few questions from one concerned citizen to the president, while hoping I would not overstay my welcome.

Mnangagwa holds boss mug
President toasts with an I Am The Boss mug

First I would ask if he really knows what he is doing and its what he expected of being The Boss, I mean its ok to say you don’t quite have a plan and ask those with suggestions to help where they can. Next I would ask if endorsing the opposition party’s congress candidature is part of a strategy to control opposition politics or genuine diplomacy…of course, he wouldn’t have to answer that

President endorses Mwonzora

We would talk about the cyclone scare this past week, fortunately by the time it hit Zimbabwe it had downgraded to a tropical depression and soon after dissipated without major destruction or loss of life.

Maybe the prayers worked but I would have hoped that the emergency resposnse systems showed a bit more alertness and preparedness to handle the cyclone. People in low lying areas got evacuated even though it felt a bit rushed and left to the last moment. I got a text message from the Civic Protection Unit but it wouldn’t have been much help had disaster really struck, how exactly does one prepare?

Thankfully the cyclone spared us and some people even felt a little disappointed like it stood them up and some even dubbed it Cyclone Dololo meaning Cyclone Nothing. But its best to have no storm, than to face the wrath of nature ill-prepared, still it was not without incident, those directly in its path had a bit of a scare, some houses got damaged.

Update on Chalane damage in Masvingo
messsage from my mum

Tree blown down by Cyclone Chalane in Masvingo

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you schools were supposed to reopen today but then schools opening was deferred last week in light of the looming cyclone and the covid pandemic, although oddly on Tuesday last week the government had dismissed rumours of suspending schools opening only to announce it the next day… things like this are why its hard to take them seriously.

On Saturday the Minister of health and Vice President dropped a bomb shell that because of the rising COVID cases the country would be reverting back to strict lockdown conditions with a 6pm to 6am Curfew and only essential services allowed to operate with immediate effect from the 5th of January.

The Acting President said that Zimbabweans must chose between enjoyment and death at press conference where stresed it was every citizen’s responsibility to follow COVID safety regulations.

Looking at the lockdown measures they seem more like punishment the regular folk, I mean sure people had gotten complacent in covid safety measures but going to such a hard lockdown without much of a notice period and shutting down informal businesses in a country were only about 20% of the population are formally employed, its like asking people to choose between COVID and Starvation.

Meanwhile air traffic remains open so do hotels and tourist activities.. for those who can afford it life goes on as usual.

Meanwhile the president is on his annual leave and the country is in the hands of our two Vice Presidents who will take turns at playing Boss of Zimbabwe until the end of the month, January is already not looking so hot.

Whats been going on in your part of the world? How has your New Year kicked off?


Responses to “Of Coffee With The Boss”

  1. Carla avatar

    Happy New Year , my dear friend !!!🌹😊❤❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      compliments of the New Year Carla ^_^

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    Happy New Year , I just pray 2021 gets better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Happy New Year
      *dreams of better days*


  3. Wonani avatar

    If I was invited to state house, I would go 😂 no doubt about that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      hahahaha you know and frame the pictures too!!!


  4. dprastka avatar

    Like you say, it’s much of the same thing but one can only hope things will improve in time. Herd immunity is probably going to count at some point even though they are working on vaccines. Then the virus is mutating, but then they all do eventually. Amazing how something so teeny tiny can rule the world, sort of speak. I had a really nice weekend with my daughter! I wish we lived closer but the 3 hour drive was not bad each way. Sorry about the tree down at your mum’s, glad she is safe. Stay safe out there!! 🤠

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Looking at the timeline of vaccines looks like one shouldnt hold their breaths waiting estimates suggest that maybe second half of next year is when they can start rolling out effectively to these parts of the world not to mention that the strain that is spreading from our neighbouring country South Africa seems likethe vaccine might be ineffective against it.
      at the end of all this I suppose herd immunity is a what we are looking at.

      For now we safe
      take care

      Liked by 1 person

  5. mattsnyder1970 avatar

    like a continuation of last year, our idiot in charge has two more weeks to go and is going down fighting that he feels he was cheated out of a second term. Still wearing a mask, still dealing with stupid people, the job especially is annoying me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Been watching the news like what in the insurrection is going on🙄

      Liked by 1 person

  6. @TheInternetPirates avatar

    Hello admin, do you have some time for a little convo?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      What’s up?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. @TheInternetPirates avatar

        Can we talk in private?
        If yes then I’m waiting for your mail

        Liked by 1 person

  7. musanjufu benjamin kavubu avatar

    The rain that kicked off the year happened in Uganda and it went on for two days, I personally relate it to that storm down there, it never rains in January. When people meet the president they end up driving good cars in Uganda over night.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Rain on New Year’s day I wonder what the symbolises for the year…
      People who meet up with the president have a habit of ending up having doors open for them either to the good life or prison…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. musanjufu benjamin kavubu avatar

        Prison happens most times


  8. Hill Study Center avatar

    I am happy to be here. I enjoyed this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you so much for visiting
      Hope to run into you more in these streets


      1. Hill Study Center avatar

        You definitely will. 😄😄😄😅

        Liked by 1 person

  9. -Eugenia avatar

    Excellent post, as usual, my friend. The new year, only 9 days old as of today, has been quite the challenge for those of us that live in the U.S. Let’s hope for peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I was watching the news like OMG what in the insurrection is going on that side of the world..
      Hopefully cool heads prevail
      Thanks for visiting

      Liked by 1 person

      1. -Eugenia avatar

        It’s becoming more than concerning.


  10. PamelaS.Canepa, Writing and Living avatar

    Oh my goodness! Storms, a pandemic, and hypocrisy amongst the lawmakers! Only the photos can show the extent of this. Thanks for sharing. I do hope the coming weeks are more peaceful. Take care, Beaton. -Pam


  11. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

    I feel bad for the soccer player. It seems that the same is happening to him as to others in the US. Are you worse of a player if you support ABC than XYZ? We are all entitled to our opinions. Yes, I believe I would accept the invite. If it was from someone I admired, then it would be an honor. If it was someone I didn’t, then I’d still go, even if to tell them I don’t like them. It’s still pretty cool to be able to know this person personally, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      There’s also the question of would you be able to live to say no…. If it’s just your nosy neighbour trying to gather up ammunition for the grape vine you could say no and hope you never need to borrow a cup of sugar 🤣🤣 but if it’s the president hmmm
      I remember when the outgoing US president was still campaigning and a popular rapper attended a rally and the court of public opinion was up in arms about how they would stop listening to his music …

      It’s probably how politicians get away with bad politics we are too busy being supporters of XYZ or ABC without much room for tolerance and then lies and more lies and the hate follows… *sigh*

      Anyhow it would be pretty cool to say yeah I met him…. Which reminds me I did meet a head of state once, I was about 11 how could I forget!!!!! *saves draft idea for a throwback post*


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

        My sibling was held by an ex-President when they were a child. That was pretty neat.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. justynlove avatar

    Definitely I would grab the opportunity to go meet Mr. President… Lots of content to gather from him.

    “For those who can afford it life goes on as usual.” ….This to me seems to be the norm moving forward…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Also I don’t think you can really afford to say no… 🤣

      And looks like most can’t afford the new normal too been following on the rising cases of covid cases and hospitals with ventilators are charging an arm and a leg and if you don’t have an arm and a leg to spare, you on your own


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