Of ClipCube clipboard

Have you ever copied a string of text to your clipboard and suddenly remembered, that you had previously copied something else which you had not pasted; so its gone…..


Ever wished the clipboard on your computer kept a log of all the text you copied to it, so you could have a history of the text you copied than having to manually go and find where you copied it from if you needed it again….

ClipCube is a handy software created by ZodCode

I prefer to draft my blog posts in Microsoft Word on my laptop and then Copy and Paste to the WordPress Gutenberg Editor.

Gutenberg editor

I admit the Gutenberg Editor is a bit awkward to create long form content in, but it’s easy to do the final editing of a post as I can focus on one block at a time. I use the Copy and Paste function a lot and sometimes copying mistakes happen; overwriting my clipboard or totally forgetting about a paragraph that I had copied and meant to save in drafts for future reference and even cutting text instead of copying and realising I have saved the wrong copy; sometimes you wonder where your head is at because seriously…

This life-saver application will have your back if you write from your computer a lot.

Clip Cube is a super light application that runs in the background, barely noticeable and you can access it from the taskbar system tray.

ClipCube system tray


  • Keeps a searchable log of all the text you copied to clipboard arranged by date
  • Filters and displays Link Urls that you copied sorted by date
clipcube links
  • Lets you group and tag copied text
clipcbe tags
  • Can export logged data
  • Allows you to set preferences; such as the number of items you wish to keep.

The only extra feature I wish it had was if it could sync online and have a corresponding mobile phone application.

**On my mobile phone, I use TouchPal keyboard which has a built-in Clip Board

The app creators discontinued their website but you can download the file via my Google drive.

*Note: ClipCube has a file size of 1.21mb and is a portable app which means you do not need to install it to run it, just extract the folder from the ZIP file and run the application.

One might worry about how the app may expose sensitive things that you have been “Copying” well; you may want to periodically empty or clear the logs or maybe delete specific sessions. Just treat ClipCube as you would your Browsing History and Search History if you have no dead bodies there, you probably have nothing to worry with this too.

*The software seems to have had no further updates or anything since 2013 but hey maybe you don’t need to update something that’s perfect

Are there similar applications to this? I don’t know. I didn’t even know this existed until I saw it on someone else’s computer and I noticed how useful it was, got it and now I cant imagine how I lived without it.

Do you know or use anything similar to this?



Windows now comes with a Clip Board function which also serves as an Emoji and Symbols Pack. You can access it by pressing [Windows key] + [V]

By default it will be turned off so you will have to enable it first.

Note: The Clipboard automatically gets cleared when you shutdown the computer.

Responses to “Of ClipCube clipboard”

  1. trentpmcd avatar

    Looks like a handy tool. Years ago you used to be able to have multiple clipboards within Windows and use different keystrokes to retrieve the one you wanted. I have no idea why it went away. … OK, I just Googled it and MS brought it back in 2018! The utility you use looks better, but I’m glad MS brought it back!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      You can do that????
      The only keystrokes I know related to that are


      Should I even be allowed drive this thing…. I mean I never got my Computer Driving License 😂😂😂😂

      It used to be such a big deal years back getting ICDL 😂😂
      The little things computers can go do but long since forgotten except by hackers and such 😂😂 I once used to know a fair amount of MS DOS commands too


      Liked by 2 people

      1. trentpmcd avatar

        It’s funny – MS returned this great option and didn’t tell anyone! It even defaults to off. You have to turn it on in settings (I just did) and use Windows button V to get the option to see history. My guess is that it clears when the computer is powered down (I will test today), as it was in the past. Uhm, actually, as to “past”, it is possible that I am thinking OS2, since I used to use that in the early 90s….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dante avatar

    This one is handy.

    Oh, and I’m sad to announce, Gutenberg has won me over

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I recommend it….

      How did this fortuitous happenstance occur? I thought you had set the classic as default?
      I am not saying I told you so….. Tihihihihi but I told you so
      Any particular features that stood out?


      1. Dante avatar

        Will get it tonight

        Oh no, I was posting via dashboard.. To set to default you need a plugin whichI can’t do with my free site.
        Yes tut did uncle, I should listen next time.

        Features? Besides my abuse of separator, media and text blog does wonderful things. Oh, and I figured out how to embed that book too


      2. Dante avatar

        UPDATE: Cool Features

        Spotlight mode. I think you’ll like a lot. Grays out all other blocks except the one you’re working on
        Top toolbar. Add format blocks all from the top.
        The two together is amazing

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Beaton avatar

        I love the spotlight mode as I use that as an editing feature working on one block at a time UNdistracted by everything else

        Top tool bar is handy but if you have a lengthy post it gets a bit irky when you get to the bottom blocks

        Liked by 1 person

  3. floatinggold avatar

    Yes, it happens to the best of us (#metoo).
    I never looked into it too much, so I don’t know how it really works. Sometimes, in my word document, there is a side panel that will keep the various clipboards. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not. I’m not sure if you have to enable it every time or what. Yea, I’m of no help, but you have a good solution, so stick with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I looked this up, it appears some versions of windows support a clipboard function which you first enable in settings and then if you press [windows key] + [V] a clip board pops up

      (mine does not have it though so can’t compare if it’s better to have this or not)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Steeny Lou avatar

    I don’t know if anything similar to that. What a great idea! Thank you for making its presence known. I will look into it for my computer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Its definitely handy and it’s super easy to use too 😂


  5. charlypriest avatar

    Being a technological troglodyte I had no clue about this, thanks, something new I learned. Hopefully I´m able to use it, download it or go figure, but appreciate thanks again for the tip.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Hahaha a caveman can learn new tricks 😂😂
      No worries I think even in the circles of the tech elite I doubt if many have a clue about this it’s like a hidden gem on an obscure website… Welcome to the secret club that know about it haha

      It’s pretty much straight forward to download and go figure 😂😂


      1. charlypriest avatar

        So I´m part of a secret society….you should have said that on the post, now I feel better. I´ll keep it “hush hush” anyways…
        Have a great day Beaton.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    Sounds like an awesome app.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You should get it!


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