Of Coffee With Best Laid Plans

becoming the muse

If you were having coffee with me I would welcome you like an expected favoured guest, and tell you to kindly disregard the mess, just find somewhere to sit and make yourself at home….. what will your poison be? I am having lemon tea which may or may not have a nip of gin.

This is ought to be day 17 of my blog everyday challenge but unforeseen circumstances kept my posting schedule rather erratic. When you plan things in your head everything is in a neat straight line but life likes to throw curve balls, whats important is what you do with them, catch and throw back!!!!

Reality Vs Your Plan

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that my grandma was laid to rest following a beautiful catholic mass. My uncle, a staunch Seventh Day Adventist (for some reason they do not see eye to eye with Catholics) even made the comment that the singing was beautiful ruined only by drums that were played in the background. He likened it to someone preparing a scrumptious meal and then ruining it by adding way too much hot spice. I felt a twinge of guilt because I rather like my meals spicy; but they say one man’s meat…..

If you were having coffee with me; I would tell you how South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma resigned on Wednesday evening, well it was either that or risk an impeachment process. Its a situation somewhat reminiscent of what happened with our own president, it makes one question if democracy and electoral processes aren’t really just an elaborate scheme without real substance.

It would also be with deepest regret I informed you the passing away of one of the champions of democracy in Zimbabwe; President of the opposition party The Movement for Democratic Change MDC Morgan Tsvangirai. At one time he was poised to be president of the country but the former president Robert Mugabe had run-off elections declared followed by a rerun election in which he won a landslide victory. Again this is also why I wonder what democracy means to Africa because every other country seems to have problems with its presidency, its even rumoured that the colon cancer Morgan Tsvangirai had was somehow induced to take him out of the political field, but people talk, people will always talk………

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that………… the only thing better than hanging only metres above a smoking volcano; for a breathtaking, front seat view. of a volcano erupting, dangling from a helicopter, whose pilot’s definition of fun is to let go of the controls , wave both hands and say “look ma NO HANDS”... Is to have someone to share it with…


Here are a few choice posts from fellow bloggers taking part in my Challenge

FEblog Challenge

Dante #Feblog Day 15: Democracy Just another word in the dictionary

Mel #Feblog Day 2 Dating And Social Media Expectations

Mable Maybe 

Quarter Wife I’ll be Watching the Relationship Olympics, Thanks





Responses to “Of Coffee With Best Laid Plans”

  1. Colline avatar

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I was happy when I heard Zuma is no longer president. I hope the country can come back from all the damage he has caused.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thanks for dropping by Colline
      Recovery is never a straight line it’s like a rabbit’s footprints in the snow…. All over the place…


  2. floatinggold avatar

    Did you really see a volcano up close like that?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Well “they” say it’s not really a volcano it’s just a granite structure kinda volcano shaped… Sometimes smoke comes up at the top again they say it’s simply veld fires


      Liked by 2 people

  3. Josh Gross | The Jaguar avatar

    Wow, to be so close to an active volcano would be awesome!

    And don’t feel so bad about democracy in Africa: democracy in the US increasingly appears to be just as hollow (what goes around comes around I suppose). It seems like all around the world the voice of the people counts for next to nothing, and I wonder if it ever did matter?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Makes you wonder what the voice of the people really is and if anyone is really listening to it, yeah they might hear it but they never listen unless its in their best interests.

      Liked by 1 person

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