Of Internet Geometry: The Global Village

I like to call myself a self-styled digital nomad, capable of surviving anywhere in the world as long as I have an internet connection… and a power source, and food because you cant eat the internet and technology is not sufficiently developed that you can download food.. Why hasn’t anyone created a 3D printer that uses edible, nutritious materials, hmmm.

Even if I have been only to 6 cities in one country as per the current all-time data on my Google Maps, the internet has kept me in touch with the global village and they with me…

Despite where one is in the world, we are all equidistantly a click away and that is the geometry of the internet.

As a blogger I want to say I primarily write for myself, I am the landlord of this tangle of words and you are here at my invitation. I have on occasion mentioned that I post the kind of content that I would I like to see, so not only do I write for myself, I also write for someone who would be interested in what I have to share (even when its only just a future version of me)

Sometimes the person you are writing for is your future self

When I initially started my blog over 10 years ago, I would get some interesting responses from people abroad who discovered that I lived and published my blog from Zimbabwe in Africa; such as how I accessed the internet, how frequently I saw lions and other wildlife, how come my English was so good? I  kid you not. I answered good-naturedly and joked about some of stereotypes perpetuated by movies.

From those early interactions, I saw the need to share my lived experiences with the world as a way of offering a glimpse into my reality, how despite the differences we share, some basic things are the same, we even watch and enjoy the very same movies and books (which is another reason behind my review section- I recall after one of my very first reviews someone was surprised and curious that I had seen a blockbuster movie that had just premiered, I mean yeah we got cinemas too 🤷‍♂️ )

With the world becoming more connected people are better informed, there is access to information, a couple of clicks and you could know more about something or somewhere than you did before. One reason I encourage people to blog is that the digital space is not a vacuum, when you do not actively put anything out there, others will take up the space, that’s what becomes the narrative…

I still find it crazy how my stats indicate that I get the most traffic outside the continent with the exception being in June when the WinterABC Festival brings together African Digital Storytellers, when the other African countries feature more prominently at the top of the lists.

Blog traffic Becoming The Muse

Knowing that I have global audience, has also impacted on how I create my content, the picture I paint. When asked what I write about, I call it The beauty and chaos of the place I call home. I acknowledge its not perfect but its home and it has moments good, bad and ugly….

As a celebration of the global village I would appreciate it if you shared any interested things you have come to learn about Zimbabwe and Africa through my blog.


Responses to “Of Internet Geometry: The Global Village”

  1. Huilahi avatar

    Great posts as always. I think you raised some interesting points regarding globalization and the challenges faced by bloggers. Personally speaking, I have found it challenging to market my blog to a global audience. It might be the fact that I only recently started writing but my blog doesn’t get much traffic. It’s challenging to get views on film reviews. I feel competition may be a factor involved given the sheer number of people that write about movies. Nevertheless, I do feel you raised some interesting points about globalization and obstacles faced by bloggers.

    A great movie which captures the process of internet globalization is “The Social Network”. David Fincher’s masterpiece tells the true story of how Mark Zuckerberg founded a social networking company. It captures the themes you discussed in your article. Here’s why it’s worth watching:

    “The Social Network” (2010) – Movie Review


  2. Bookstooge avatar

    I learned about sadza. Not that I’m going to remember the name, but maize meal n that picture will definitely stay in my head…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      of all the things 😂
      just for you am going to find a more flattering photo of the meal at its finest hour for a future article — its really not the hot mess from the previous post 😂 😂 😂

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      1. Bookstooge avatar

        You have to realize, I’m not here to learn about Africa or Zimbabwe but about you as a person. You’ve got “personality ” and without that, a blogger is just some random words.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Diana avatar

    Oh B, I can’t believe how naive people can be! Sheesh! But what blogging has done for me is to meet amazing people all over the world. What a great post and makes me think that when I met you here, I remember thinking, I have a friend in Zimbabwe, Africa!! WOW!!! At my age of 63 if you were to tell me I’d be writing a blog and meet people from all over the world when I was growing up, I’d be like “no way”! Haha!! You are the kindest, sweetest most helpful person I know and I can’t thank you enough for all your help with my blog site. My goodness, the YouTube videos alone that I can share is the coolest thing ever!!! 😍 Technology just wow’s me all the time! Haha

    Anyways, the other things I learned because I’m a bit naive too, is that you are heading into Winter as we head into Summer! Maybe I had learnt that in school but it didn’t stick in my brain. I have Australia friends too which I believe it’s winter there also. Lol 😂 And I know we have a lot of the same things but whenever I see our blooming jacaranda trees, I always think of you since you have them there too! I think they are beautiful, a bit messy but so very pretty!! Have a wonderful week B! Your friend D in Southern California!! 🤩❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Blogging does have a way of opening up the world to connections kinda like pen-pals back in the day but made digital with near instant communication and greater knowledge exchange.

      Ah yes Australia is on the same side of the hemisphere as us so the seasons there track with ours (even if the timezones feels like they are a day ahead living in the future😂)

      Jacaranda season will be coming up in a couple of months —oh my word they are blossoms are beautiful but oh so messy 😂 😂 😂 😂

      I have learnt a thing or two about horses too , like there’s so much more to them than just big and scary magnificent creations 😂


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  4. Matt avatar

    For somebody in America even 10 years ago to think you live are uncivilized is astonishing to me.

    Liked by 1 person

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