Of The Muse: In Prospect

We almost half-way through the year, what does the future look like?
To know where you are going first look at where you have been. So check out my previous article below, if you havent already.

The immediate future has more articles for the WinterABC Storytelling Festival and I am close to halfway through my goal to post daily in June as I did last June and the June before that and the June before that, and the June before….it’s a tradition.

Blogging streak

•Afterwards we return to a more relaxed pace of 2-3 posts a week.
•I plan to launch a blog series inspired by Matt which will highlight some hilarious missed connections in finding a muse.

muse wanted

•Create a highlight page to showcase contributors of guest posts and their guest contributions…

My tangle of words have been graced by some awesome people over the years. I want to celebrate them and  keep their content accessible and evergreen. Something creative and inspiring that will make being a guest contributor a coveted badge of recognition, you are so going to wish you had submitted a guest post back when the requirements were less stringent.

How to Guest Post on Becoming The Muse

I haven’t figured out exactly how I will do this, but I will. If you have ideas or suggestions or maybe you have seen something similar to what I am envisioning point me in the direction.

•I have incorporated a podcast into the blog and its been getting decent traffic without any optimisation on my part, but I will tweak it up and make sure it has some fancy promotional visuals to go with.

slide to compare podcast overview between starting and now

Its also available on Spotify in some regions so give it a follow if you wish.

Note: If the block above is not avalable in your region do kindly let me know what your region is.

 I intend incorporate video content into my blog because I have a feeling that my next adventures will need to be documented visually.

One of my past wishful thoughts was to travel, seek out new experiences and write about them, it seems the universe has a way of answering wishful thoughts in unanticipated ways.

One day, I will wake up somewhere I cant possibly imagine as I type up this post but in response to the question on how I got to there, I would answer, blogging led me here.

And should I ever embark on the greatest adventure of all, where all roads ultimately lead, this tangle of words will be the immortal embodiment of the summation of my experiences and those before me, which is why I harbour no intentions  of deleting this space, ever.


And if it behoves you, do coffee ☕

Buy me coffee

support my tangle of words


Responses to “Of The Muse: In Prospect”

  1. Bookstooge avatar

    Best of luck. Managing your content gets hard after a while, so I hope you haven’t set yourself too big a project. It should keep you busy though 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      That should be a nice challenge to have, when I have so much going on that I will need to hire a team to keep things on track… 😂
      I am acutely aware of not setting myself up for anything too big because the most important thing for me is to have fun doing what I love and not turn it into some tedious chore that I would have to dread… 😂😂
      Thank you ^_^

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Winnie Naigaga avatar

        That club of having fun while we work as many people 😂

        Today I did a Flash Back Friday for my podcast. If am busy having fun with WinterABC, why not market my previous podcasts?🙈

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Beaton avatar

        Being the Star, Director, Producer and Executive Producer of your one man production 😂 😂 😂
        Marketing and Promo is harder than the actual content creation 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Winnie Naigaga avatar


        You make your rules and break them yourself as long as you’re having fun as you work towards your vision 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Beaton avatar

        And the choir said Amen!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Matt avatar

    Thanks for the shout out bro..i look fwd to your take


  3. Lyrics Of Life avatar

    Enjoyed reading this piece…


  4. Winnie Naigaga avatar

    What are your new requirements to guest blog now?🤔

    Missed connections, I’m curious

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I havent updated the requirements for guest blog — yet 🤣🤣 will do that after WinterABC.

      Missed Connections let me tag you in a teaser something real quick, so you see the idea and its been a long time coming just hadnt been inspired into making it a thing

      Liked by 1 person

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