Of Midnight Microwaving

Why don’t they invent a cow-sized microwave? I might want to microwave a whole cow or something….,

Cow in a microwave oven

Ever since back in high school, when I learnt about how a microwave oven heats food by bouncing around microwaves which cause water molecules in food to vibrate and heat up from the resultant friction — I have wondered what would happen if the microwave oven didnt have all the safety features such as not operating if the door is not properly closed..

With the average human body being at leats 60% water, being exposed to microwaves would be an excruciating experience. I am surprised no one ever weaponised the tech turning microwave ovens into lethal vaporisers….

….. but I digress, can they at least put a silent mode on microwave ovens so that they dont beep loud enough to wake the dead… especially at night when everyone else is sleeping. And like a bomb disposal expert I try to catch it before it reacher zero….

Is it just me or does the microwave sounds louder at night?

Beep beep boop

Also is it psychic or what? How does it know I am heating food, the way it says enjoy your meal at the end of beeps….

Responses to “Of Midnight Microwaving”

  1. Bookstooge avatar

    I too always try to capture the microwave before it beeps at 0. Not always successful at that 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      If it were bomb, the failure rate of bomb defusal would be unfeasible 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

    I don’t like microwaves.
    My partner uses ours every now and again and not only does it beep, but it keeps beeping until you get up and get your food. (Sometimes we’re both busy with something and the microwave just keeps screaming.) Additionally, I hate it when my partner opens it up too early because then it displays the remaining time instead of the clock and if I want to use it, I have to reset it. So, either way – annoying.
    I like your thinking about weaponizing microwaves. I believe that has been done, just not in the format we think.

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    1. Beaton avatar

      thats one noisy microwave!!!! I can see how someone would think a constant beeping feature as useful… sometimes I pop something in the microwave and totally forget about it till hours later I open oven to put something else in and realise that there’s something that has long since gone cold…. ooopsie.
      But isnt resetting the timer just a one keypress ordeal… at least on ours it is.. so it isnt a big deal…
      With all its noisy beeping and all I cant imagine life without one which isnt too hard to picture considering there is usually no electricity half the day, fun times..

      There is all sorts of radiation frying our brain cells as it is…


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      1. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

        One button ordeal is one keypress too many ;P
        And yes, I could like without it, though I do acknowledge its benefits every now and again.

        Liked by 1 person

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