Of Moonlit Letters To A Muse

Love letters to a muse

My Dearest Mable

Today is neither your birthday nor the anniversary of the first letter you wrote me on your blog almost a year ago. I remember each word almost like I just read it before I started writing you this letter…………..

dear Beaton letter

Ok, ok, I confess, I just finished rereading it again, for the zillionth time……….

I have always started to write a reply back each time and have gone as far as:

Dear Mable

And I then I fail to come up with words that would be a reply worthy of the honour you did me.

letter from mable
letter from Mable

Today however, I will sit here and I will write.

Today is not a holiday neither is it your birthday, it’s not even a full moon night, this February did not have a single full moon although January had two including a lunar eclipse. Imagine I am writing this on a full moon, as I imagine you reading this beneath the moonlit night sky.

You make me smile, you make laugh and most of all you just might be as crazy as you think I am.

That sounds like something I ciuld have whispered to you, in my past life, you might have been my favourite wife, or the lady who danced to all my songs and finished the sentences to all my stories made them right…

The universe might have conspired to place time and distance between us but across various timelines and multitudes of possibilities we would always find each other.

I love the sun

But I dream of The Moon,

All that The Sun gives away

The moon takes,

Sunlight by day

Moonnlight by night

Fulfilling the promises

Let The Be Light……..

Imagine this were a moonlit night and I whispered these words into the breeze, beneath the moon’s milky twilight, petals in the wind dancing with their beloved, as the moonbeam strikes a chord on the window seal.

On nights such as these I stare out of the window to see the moon of my dreams and picture myself howling at it, like a mythical being as I imagine you looking at the same moon and thinking of me too.

The same moon that shines in my sky watches over you too, wherever so you may be, its as if I too will be there by your side. Even when the sun itself is shining we will always have the moon, it may not be as big nor as bright but it is way more magical……

Moon howling
The Full-moon Poet

Today is not a holiday, neither is it your holiday but I thought to not let it pass without me immortalizing you in the only way I know how

All My Love










Responses to “Of Moonlit Letters To A Muse”

  1. Mable Amuron avatar

    Dear Beaton.

    The smile on my face right now would blind the sun, no kidding. I do not care much that the moon is not full. You and I make our own rules. So in our world, the moon is full… And as it shines down on you….. See my smile reflected in it.

    All my love 😍😍

    Liked by 6 people

  2. floatinggold avatar

    I feel like I should be reading this. Get a room, you two.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Hahaha we will get our own blog…


  3. Sarah avatar

    Awwww so cute

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  4. princejez avatar

    This is adorable indeed. I love it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you!!! It was inspired 😍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. princejez avatar

        My pleasure. I can surely tell.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Kathleen Howell avatar

    Love this so much!!!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Kathleen!!! 😍



  6. Bolaji Gelax avatar

    I honestly don’t think this should be made public. It made me feel like I was invading you and Mable’s privacy.

    Love eeet! 😍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you

      Liked by 2 people

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