Of Blogging Surveys

A blogging survey: Afrobloggers

  1. How long have you been running your current blog(s) for?

Hmmmm well according to my archives my first post is from September 2013…… it seems like a lot but if you factor in teething problem; life getting in the way because life has a habit of happening, and some procrastination effectively I would say I have been fairly consistent in maybe past 2 years.

  1. What is the purpose of your blog?

To be written. Ha! Or maybe to be read or fusion of the two with greater part being simply to be written… I never had grand designs to change the world or push any agendas maybe the purpose of this blog is to find its purpose….. Or maybe it already has and I just haven’t figured it out.

  1. How many blogs do you follow?

A lot because I don’t know where you check to find out.

  1. How frequently do you post on your blog and how do you share your posts?

I usually try to have at least one post a week and a random post inbetween them. I share via Pinterest, Twitter sometimes Facebook and if it’s a post I want particular people to read I will email the link even text them if I know their numbers… sometimes Its Magic; I post & Wish

  1. Do you have any writing rituals? A particular time you write, music you listen to, quirky habits to get in the zone?

I prefer to write in a darkened room drapes closed lights off, preferably at night, because I am a nocturnal creature; not forgetting a coffee mug full of herbal lemon tea accompanied by Music by FreshlyGroundSA or Enya sometimes a playlist with The Script, Maroon 5, Nickelback, Evanesence, Linkin Park

  1. Do you have a special time set aside for blogging related activities, or whenever, whenever you get a moment and internet

No particular time, if I have a moment and if I have internet…. Its tea time.

  1. How often do you check on your blog?

as often as one checks the time, especially after I have just had a post published; I keep an eye on the notifications. I get email alerts for comments to my blog and I try to respond to all of them … eventually and when I get the chance also check that person’s blog in return, fair’s fair.

  1. Laptop or phone?

Both I sync draft notes on laptop to phone so I can easily edit On The Go.

  1. Do you take the time to read and discover new blogs? How much time do you spend reading other blogs?

I spend a significant amount of time scouting my reader screen, I have found that I have had to group the blogs I read into lists so I know which to go back to for what like poetry or stories, lifestyle, and some for potential ideas for future posts for my blogs, and potential guest post material

  1. How much internet data do you use in a typical day or week. (is it personal, school or work internet? Wi-Fi or mobile data)

On average 1 gig a day on personal Wi-Fi (when I have only mobile data I usually post via email since its easier on my data than trying to load the WordPress site or running the WordPress App)

Bonus question: If your blog was movie what which one would it be?

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty


Thats my truth today but tomorrow might be different every day I re-imagine myself.



source: Emma Edit

Responses to “Of Blogging Surveys”

  1. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    I’m your biggest fan. I get email notifications every time you post a blog so that I’m always in the loop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Hello you giant Windmill ^_^ and Thank you ^_^♥♥♥


  2. MaKupsy avatar

    Hey B. I loved this post. I think the one thing I will take away from it is creating a “go to list” of blogs that I enjoy reading and in particular categories. This will change my blog reading ritual for the greater good. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Its a great plan and not only do you not miss out on your “favourites” you can schedule your reading ritual to match your mood, sometimes you want to read feel good posts, sometimes you want inspiration and other times…….. well….
      Glad you found something worth taking with you…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. MG WELLS avatar

    Excellent post, B. I just write what resonates with me. I do not keep score of who is or who does not follow me. Like all social media, I use it once or twice a day for no more than an hour and move onto my life. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Hi MG
      I envy your discipline sometimes I am afraid social media tunes me out from whats happening here and now…..busy checking up on what others are doing even envying them for doing things I can only read about…..
      I write only that which resonates and no more ♥♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

  4. MG WELLS avatar

    We all experience life on our own terms, B. Thanks for the support and enjoy the day 🌻

    Liked by 1 person

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