Of Breaking Free; A Writer’s Block


Writer’s block is the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.

When I try to picture it in my head, I visualise a large immovable block that your writing hand is shackled to, which is why you cannot write…..


Or maybe it is large chopping block where you lay your head as you wait for the axe of creative constipation to chop your silly head off…….


Off with your head….. if you can visualize your writer’s block in your head then you are kidding yourself you do not really have writer’s block, your creative mechanism still work; you need to collect and focus your creative energy.

To understand writer’s block you first have to understand the psychology of a creative individual. Imagine a writer as a therapist; unconsciously self-psychoanalyzing to resolve inner turmoil via the sublime medium of writing….

In other words writers are batty, how can they not be?

Writer’s block has probably existed since the first writer picked up a stick and scratched something on a cave wall or perhaps even before that when he traced doodles into the dirt with his fingers and when the rain washed it away he tried to do it again, and could not, quite get it right……

But the term writer’s block was first coined in 1947 by a psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler who described it as a “Neurotic inhibition of productivity

What causes Writer’s Block?

Self Doubt or Self Criticism; (afraid of how you will be judged or  if you wrote something before and it was praised and now the pressure as you are not sure you can ever equal the same level of excellence or being compared to other greats)

Timing; (when you just cant find the time and space and distractions.)

Procrastination; (waiting for inspiration)

Perfectionism; (waiting for everything to fall into place, which it never does)

Disillusionment; (you write and no one notices, no recognition)

unhappiness; (It should come as no surprise that an unhappy writer is likely to be creatively blocked and that a blocked writer is probably unhappy. Unhappy people daydream less period.)

There are many other causes for it but these are the most common.

Writer’s block is a psychological condition and as with all psychological manifestations its treatment should be some feel good therapeutic exercise….

How To Break Free The Writer’s Block

Writing is an intimate conversation with your innermost thoughts; so to deal with your writer’s block; relax and get alone time, you need to find some joy in your writing; if you feel good, you write good……

If I had a holy grail solution to dealing with writer’s block; I would probably be selling it in a set of 25 motivational DVDs at $1.99 a DVD and after you had bought the entire set you would find that you were no closer to getting past your writer’s block than when you started; that’s because writing is not an exact science, it is an art; and art has no rules; it has No Chill.

However I’ll share a few quirky remedies outrageous enough to just pop the bubble of that uncreative funk

*Firstly WRITE, write anything; keep writing until you write better

Writing about writer’s block is better than not writing at all

~Charles Bukowski

*Pretend you are writing a rough draft and not a masterpiece

*Talk to your characters, have coffee with them, interview them

*Write like you talk

No one ever gets talker’s block

~Seth Godin


PS I never suffer from writer’s block; I immensely enjoy it and use it as an excuse to exercise all my quirky traits and blame my unruly muse ♥♥♥♥

Responses to “Of Breaking Free; A Writer’s Block”

  1. M. L. Kappa avatar

    You forgot another tip: just go off and do something else. Then come back to it fresh

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Marje @ Kyrosmagica avatar

    Hi, I never get writer’s block either! Good post Beaton, just sharing on Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club pages on Facebook. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Marje…. ♥♥♥
      PS the inside of your head must be quite the place hahahaha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marje @ Kyrosmagica avatar

        It is a crazy place,glad I don’t live there lol…


  3. Zile Ncube avatar

    If you were having coffee with me, I would tell you that I’ve been having a writer’s block but I’M BACK!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      yey^_^…. glad you are back like the terminator in a Schwarzenegger movie lol ~B


  4. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    Thanks for the tips.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. roselynjdube avatar

    i feel like i’m the block itself, with a bigger block standing in my way. i don’t know how to move, let alone moving this bigger block…..thank you for sharing this, i hope applying these tips will help

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are welcome….. wishing you all the best…. do let me know when you BREAK FREE


      1. roselynjdube avatar

        will do

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Colleen avatar

    Love this. Thanks for the tips.


  7. D'Dream avatar

    Id you are having a coffee with me, I will tell you that I simply zoned out to write nonsense until the block subsidized

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      write nonsense until it starts making sense!!!! The logic is undeniable

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Dee Gash avatar

    wow i soooo needed this…every single letter, sentence and paragraph of it. The entire piece spoke to me, thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are welcome^_^
      I am glad you found something you needed…


  9. joyfullanejenn avatar

    Great Post! Will refer to it when I get writer’s block! Haven’t yet but I am sure I will!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thanks….. I never really get writer’s block either hahaha but figured hey lemme share my two cents on the subject maybe thats why I never actually get it…..


  10. Judy E Martin avatar

    I enjoyed this, fun as well as informative!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Judy ♥♥


  11. Elle avatar

    Perhaps handling Writer’s block depends on how we look at the matter, some perspective, and I admire that you look at it differently and enjoy writing still. Thanks for sharing these, B. You got me always. 💕🥺🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Perspective changes everything…
      When the way you look at things changes.. the things you look at changes too ^_^
      So instead of stressing over being blocked instead figure out if its that you cant find the right words to write or that you have nothing to write about at all…
      You are welcome Elle

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Elle avatar

        I figured I can’t find the right words to write, but then I think it’s more than that. Anyway, I decided if I still can’t write new content maybe I can use this time to update my old posts for better SEO results 🙂 I’ve been planning to update those before the new year arrives.

        Liked by 1 person

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