Of A Particular Set Of Indiscriminate Skills

Genre: comedy


I have long since acquired a particular set of skills, skills which include not being overly fussy about the food I, I will find food and I will eat it.
I do not mean to brag, I can eat anything and I have eaten what I have killed, many times, not that I am auditioning for to be on an episode of Survivor.

Very little surprises me, being a mission boarding school product…

where the head cook’s finger goes missing and a fingernail turns up in your meal, a lizard’s tail blending into hot vegetables like its got chameleon skills, and it’s still wriggling around even in death despite being cooked…..and footsteps in the night

When it comes down to starve or eat….  I pick not starving. I do not discriminate against anything edible based on calories rating or aesthetic appearance, unless it smells bad, there is always an exception.

I have a knack for finding exceptions to every rule, which is a really a fancy way of saying I do not follow rules, especially rules I do not like which are usually rules that do not make sense, what do you mean I before E except after C, see that is just weird. 
This also includes generalisations, I never include myself even in my own generalisations, I am not most people, I am unique, just like everyone else.

Apart from toughening up my digestive system and learning the fine arts of skipping ice cold showers and still appearing as if you bathed; (mostly in the winter season but again there were exceptions.)
I also acquired a set of skills that make me lethal to chickens. As a practical in Agriculture lessons we had to rear the school’s chickens and then dined on them on Thursday and Sundays meals but they had to be slaughtered first.

The first chicken was the hardest, you always remember your first kill, but it gets easier and you get faster more efficient and make a whole lot less of a bloody mess.
So I can kill and fancy dress a chicken in many different ways mind bending ways with or without a knife and jug of hot water in just under five minutes. The are many way to kill a chicken and I have applied several of those in real life situations.
I think that’s pretty impressive stuff but do not tell that to my niece who still wants to know what happened to her pet chicken “Huku”, we had Huku for dinner, not as a guest but stir fried with a generous serving of salad.


Moral of that bit of the story is do not make pets of your dinner menu, never play with your food.

I watched this documentary about how they train child soldiers in some countries by making them look after a pet, killing and finally eating it (it was some intense stuff) I am not saying my mission school experience in anyway made me a soldier but if war against chickens ever breaks out, or if we had to hunt for our own food….. I would as they say in the movies when giving Executive Orders to Execute  terminate with extreme prejudice

zombie chicken

Years later here I am thinking how I am all prepared for life, death and the chicken apocalypse (it’s kinda like the Zombie Apocalypse but with chickens trying to perk your eyes out)….. Yes I definitely have an indiscriminate set of skills, if any chicken is reading this, I will find you and I will eat you.


#BlogBattle Entry themed Indiscriminate and yes I watched Liam Neeson’s movie Taken Countless times 🙂

P.S. if you ever need a chicken killed I am your guy

Responses to “Of A Particular Set Of Indiscriminate Skills”

  1. Sarah Brentyn avatar

    I’m honestly not sure what to say. Some of this post had me laughing out loud, some made me cringe, and some (the child soldier training) horrified me.

    Yes, B, you have skills. Though you forgot to mention ‘writing’ as one of them.

    (Poor Huku…🐓)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      what a whirlwind of… erm, emotion 🙂

      how could I forget to mention writing, that’s my favourite one right next to laughing, oooh and reading ♥♥♥♥♥

      Thank you Sarah *big smiley face emoji*


      P.S. Huku was D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s ^_^

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      1. Sarah Brentyn avatar
  2. #BlogBattle 56 “Indiscriminate” Entries & Voting – Fiction by Rachael Ritchey avatar

    […] Of a Particular Set of Indiscriminate Skills by Beaton M. […]


  3. phoenixgrey85 avatar

    That’s some skill. Certainly something I couldn’t do. I feel too sorry for the chickens. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      someone has to kill the chickens unless you are a vegetarian 🙂 thanks ~B

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  4. Stephanae V. McCoy avatar

    Poor, poor, Huku. Like Sarah said the child soldier training is disturbing but in that particular culture it’s probably so routine it’s not given a second thought – sad.

    On a lighter note, a chicken zombie apocalypse?? Nah, I’m not having it!! After Sunday’s episode of the Walking Dead you can count on me to be by your side terminating with extreme prejudice.


    1. Beaton avatar

      hi Steph 🙂

      always love it when you drop by

      hahaha Huku was tasty lol

      yes, the child soldier training is disturbing 😦

      hahaha oh yes I remember you mentioned you were a fellow walking dead fan from an old post about how to kill a snake

      team B lol


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Stephanae V. McCoy avatar

        Yup you’ve got a good memory. 😄


      2. Beaton avatar

        hahaha I remember yesterday like it was today 🙂 you would definitely want me on your team when playing a memory puzzle game….. or even the weakest link or jeopardy my head is crammed with lil pieces of info… did you know a giraffe’s tongue is blue just like a spider’s blood



  5. Liz avatar

    You paint so vivid a picture B, the chicken apocalypse with chicken plucking out eyes, soooo gothic!!!! Some awesome read there !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      thank you Elizabeth 🙂 hahaha Gothic indeed if you visualize it .. don’t though haha you will have sleepless nights



  6. cathleentownsend avatar

    If chickens could read, mommy chickens would scare their children into behaving using you. You know the sort of thing I mean: “Now be a good little chick and don’t peck at Charlie even though he smells funny. If you do, Beaton will find you and eat you up!”

    Truly wicked chickens could dress up as you and frighten the poor chicks until someone pulls the latex mask off.

    Sorry about that, this was supposed to be a comment, not a story. But it certainly reflects well on your writing that someone is already writing fan fiction. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      hahaha I loved this actually.. don’t perk at uncle Charlie even though he smells funny dead dead dead

      so I’d be some Chicken’s Bane….. a story told by chickens boutique only they are alone no one else but them chickens….

      but the ones that dress up as me to scare others (hoping that is only on Halloween and not for some sinister purpose ) those are the ones you should look out for, Eat those ones first hahaha

      fanfic…. whoop whooop thanks Cathleen made my day really


      Liked by 1 person

  7. Rawls E. Fantasy avatar

    Chicken-zombies, ruuuuuuun! They can fly! That’s worse than normal zombies!
    Glad you’re back this week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      they can fly…….. and they coming to perk you in the eye ahhhh lol it’s great being here really 🙂 glad you dropped by whoop whoop


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Rawls E. Fantasy avatar

        waaaaaah, no pecking birds! If I throw them corn, maybe they’ll eat it instead of me!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Beaton avatar

        that could work……. but how much corn will you have, it will run out eventually

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Rawls E. Fantasy avatar

        uuuuuu…hadn’t thought of that……


  8. Fari Katupira Tonzani avatar

    My 4 year old niece also thinks her friend huku ran away. i looked at those sweet innocent eyes and i just didnt have the guts to break her heart and put her off meat for life. I could never stomach such a big responsibility because nyama ndizvo shamwari

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Marje @ Kyrosmagica avatar

    I’m glad I’m not a vegetarian and reading this! Those poor chickens definitely stay clear of keeping them as pets if you intend to serve them up as dinner!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I am so glad I don’t have vegetarians on this post this would be soooo awkward, yes?


      p.s. and turkeys too must keep away from being my pets lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marje @ Kyrosmagica avatar

        Yep, keep those turkeys at bay, at least we normally only eat those at Christmas!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Beaton avatar

        ♥♥♥♥ everyday is thanksgiving

        Liked by 1 person

  10. shawndaviskawalya avatar

    Chicken is bae, the only animal that actually dies for you/me… I will eat anything except something too fatty, there is just a way fats will haunt you as you sleep, it’s ironic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      chicken is awesome hahahaha
      thanks for dropping by
      P.S.would you eat crocodile?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. shawndaviskawalya avatar

        Hahaha…. I bet crocodile has less bits of fat, I would really want to taste that… ☺😂☺


      2. Beaton avatar

        tastes a bit fishy though hahaha

        Liked by 2 people

      3. shawndaviskawalya avatar

        Just because Crocodiles are a threat to man, I wouldn’t mind feasting on their meat..hope I don’t sound evil.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Beaton avatar

        hahahahahaha maybe just a tiny lil bit evil but isokay if you were not a lil mean you would eat only veggies hahaha no meat


  11. Of Coffee: A Candlelit Affair | becoming the muse avatar

    […] not squeal and throw up right then and there is a testament to the skills I once told you about (see here)  but it was still quite shocking I even thought of following up on a pain and suffering lawsuit […]

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  12. LionAroundWriting avatar

    Lol a whimsical voyage.
    If I ate chickens I would get you to kill them ethically for sure.
    When the chickpocalypse arrives you will be safe, that must provide a level of comfort and confidence lol
    Interesting read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      hahahaha you are welcome ^_^
      Thank you for dropping by…
      I walk with confidence and comfort of one who knows I am ready for the chickpocalypse .

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    All meat comes comes at a loss of life. I accept that and eat meat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      how about s moment of silence for all the vegetables they are living things too


  14. Carrol-Bridget avatar

    Never thought of myself as a ” Mission boarding school product”… Perfect description for us “homies” Beaton…. However, the nuns should’ve baptized it RC boarding-school, SCHOOL OF SKILLS. . .LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      School of skills indeed 🙂


  15. Dimples avatar

    I can’t kill a chicken to save my actual life. I can’t dress it either. In fact, I can’t eat chickens I have previously seen alive, happily frolicking in the garden. The only chicken I want to eat is one I’ve picked up in Pick n Pay 😁😁. Also, unlike you, I’m a very fussy eater. Very! *Sigh*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      lol did you or did you not go to boarding school ?
      Well it would help if you didnt name your chickens


  16. freetheemind avatar

    Nodding. I see what you meant.

    “learning the fine arts of skipping ice cold showers and still appearing as if you bathed; ” Christen taught me this skill in 2016 on top of the Drakensberg. And I love her for it. She commented before me.

    “Moral of that bit of the story is do not make pets of your dinner ” I don’t know. If I were a chick (excuse the pun)…At least make me feel loved before you trust me with your digestive system and sphincter. My hate for you might turn into poisonous cancer or acquire laxative properties. Kidding. Sort of.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I read somewhere that one can taste it, whether an animal was violently killed and butchered vs one thats put to sleep then slaughtered or something like that, but I wouldnt know about all that the hunter instinct in me cares mostly about survival


  17. #BlogBattle Stories: Merge | BlogBattle avatar

    […] “Of a Particular Set of Indiscriminate Skills” by M. Beaton […]


  18. Of Coffee With Chicken – Becoming The Muse avatar

    […] do the deed. I had the (mis)fortune of attending a mission boarding school where we were instilled with a particular set of chicken killing […]


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