Of Poor Things

Poor Things Movie Review

Poor Things is a 2023 scifi dark comedy movie loosely based on a 1992 novel by Alasdair Gray. The critically acclaimed movie bagged several accolades including 4 Oscars at the 96th  Academy awards.

Poor Things movie poster

The movie’s story follows one Bella Baxter on her odyssey of self-discovery after a major anatomical surgery that seems to have left her in a child-like blank slate…

The Good

The genre-defying production is a provocative movie, set in a difficult to distinguish period that has futuristic and fantastical elements against a Victorian era backdrop with steampunk cityscapes and characters dressed in elaborate costumes that makes one appreciate how it scooped an Oscar for Best Costumes as announced by a naked looking John Cena who was promoting his character in Ricky Stanicky.

 If you watch the movie without knowing what to expect, it’s a carnival of oddness, a Frankensteinian tale that is hard to describe but stays with you in thought provoking ways.

Emma Stone bodied her perfomance as Bella Baxter in an alternate version of Frankenstein’s monster meets My Fairlady who starts off as an inarticulate and unco-ordinated tangle of limbs and evolves into a self-made, articulate, expressive, and independent lady about town. Award-winning perfomance.

Emma Stone as Bella Baxter in Poor Things
Emma Stone as Bella Baxter in Poor Things

The stunning visual aesthetics of the cinematography are reflective of Bella Baxter’s character arc, starting off on a black and white colour palette with fisheye lens useage and as Bella’s knowledge expands so does the colour get more vivid and have sweeping landscape shots… Even the movie’s soundtrack grows in sophistication along with the plot starting from its initial chaotic composition.

Bella Baxter in Poor Things
Bella Baxter in Poor Things

One cant help be drawn into Bella Baxter’s wide-eyed curiosity (re)learning the world and questioning the confines and the whys and wherefores of … well life.

Willem Dafoe is unforgettable as God – Godwin Baxter a skilled physician who looks more like Frankenstein – or rather Frankenstein’s monster in a clever juxtaposition of the monster being the monster’s creator and the story ultimately one of the humanisation of a monster….

Willem Dafoe as Dr Godwin Baxter in Poor Things
Willem Dafoe as Dr Godwin Baxter in Poor Things

Then there is Duncan Wedderburn played by Mark Ruffalo a leacherous cad whom you’ll love to hate until you cant help but feel some form of sympathy for his just desserts when the tables turn and he becomes the clingy partner.

Mark Ruffalo as Duncan Wedderburn
Mark Ruffalo as Duncan Wedderburn
“My heart has become dim towards your swearing, weepy person...”

The Bad

Poor things is so not family friendly, its middle act might as well as be Victorian-era erotica with a montage of sex, nudity and debauchery – furious jumping as Bella calls it.

Bella Baxter dancing in Poor Things
Bella Baxter dancing in Poor Things

While the sexual liberation could have been a vehicle for Bella’s character development, the movie dragged out that aspect more than they necessary, perhaps for the shock-factor… For movie with a run time of 2 hours 30 minutes, a lot of its parts could have been whittled down for a tighter more impactful plot.

The Ugly

Poor Things raises provocative questions about feminism, sexuality and the oppression of women that has been the hallmark of patriarchy with women treated as perpetual minors and objects not capable of looking after themselves or make sound decisions…. While oddily the men folk are unable to barely handle a slight measure of what they dish out were roles reversed.…

Bella Baxter and Duncan Wedderbrun in Poor Things
Bella Baxter and Duncan Wedderbrun in Poor Things

A disturbing aspect of the movie arises from Bella Baxter’s character if you consider it from the perspective of her ‘childlike’ consciousness  in a mature woman’s body raises disturbing question on consent and her sexual liberation which might not be as liberating as its portrayed but rather grooming with rapey undertones of a misogynist’s wet dream…

Final Thoughts

Poor Things is an interesting twist on Mary Shelly‘s Frankenstein with a touch of My Fair Lady some Barbie and Alice in Wonderland in a peculiarly haunting film whose exact metaphor you might forget but all you know is that its provocative… It’s like watching something you shouldn’t be, but cant look away.

Its not for everyone.

Have you watched Poor Things? Thoughts?

Responses to “Of Poor Things”

  1. the hot goddess avatar

    I have not watched it, and it wasn’t on my list…until now. Compelling review. Thank you.


    1. Beaton avatar

      Hahaha its fascinating see how people are making up their minds to decide to watch or not watch something based on my review (which I always try to keep spoiler free–) Actually being a hot goddess and all you might appreciate the movie more than some ^_^
      If.. I mean when you watch it do give me feedback


  2. Huilahi avatar

    Great reviews as always. This is one of my most anticipated films of the year and I am excited to see it soon. Yorgos Lanthimos is a filmmaker with peculiar style that isn’t meant for everyone. As you mentioned in the review, this isn’t a movie that’s going to please everyone. That being said, I love Emma Stone who has proven an extraordinary actress. She’s just incredible in every movie she is in, and has proven she can play wide range of roles. I loved her Oscar-winning turn in “La La Land”. Here’s why I adored that film:

    "La La Land" (2016)- Movie Review


  3. hethrgood avatar

    Looking forward to seeing it—great review!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Diana avatar

    I’ve not heard of Poor Things until we watched the Oscars. It looked so strange from the few clips, it’s nice to read a review. I’m not sure we will watch it, sounds a little too out there for our tastes but I appreciate you review! 👍🙂


    1. Beaton avatar

      Confession, I use the Oscars to build a watchlist haha… so after watching it scoop awards I was like there must have been something to it… Yeah, it is definitley a lil out there for most, its not easy movie to recommend 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Huilahi avatar

    Excellent review once again. I recently had an opportunity to see this movie and loved it. It’s strange for sure and certainly not for everyone. But I found myself spellbound by its uniqueness. It reminded me a lot of “The Shape of Water”, another strange movie that came out a few years ago. The two movies share similarities by focusing upon the life of a woman searching for her feminist identity in a magical world. Here’s why I recommend it strongly:

    "The Shape of Water" (2017)- Movie Review


  6. Huilahi avatar

    Excellent review once again. I finally had an opportunity to see this movie and I absolutely loved it. It was definitely one of the most strange films I’ve ever seen, and I can see why most people wouldn’t like it. There were a few scenes of sex I felt were unnecessary. But I connected to its messages about feminism. Here’s why I loved it:

    “Poor Things” (2023) – Movie Review


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