Of If Movie Review

IF is a 2024 American live-action animated fantasy comedy film written, produced, and directed by John Krasinski. The movie was theatrically released by Paramount Pictures in the United States on 17 May, 2024 and released to digital and video-on-demand platforms on 19 June 2024.

The premise of the story follows a young girl dealing with a father’s illness after the loss of a mother, who finds comfort and friendship with a group of imaginary friends whose companions have outgrown them.

The movie opens with the Paramount logo reimagined as a child’s sketch heralding a whimsical journey into saturated visuals that are reminiscent of the simpler era before smart phones commanded a large chunk of our attention and we put down our childhood toys forever…

Paramount Logo canvas sketch  IF Movie

The cinematography is well put together merging live-action with CGI graphics that bring to life fascinating characters that leaves one wondering what kind of mind would imagine an Imaginary Friend of the sort….

In the African context any person; child or adult, who claims to have such “friends” would raise eyebrows and have whispered conversations of intervention to free them from the supernatural clutches of witchraft… Imaginary Friend!?

Its not a spoiler to point out that the IF in the movie title stands for Imaginary Friend and also a play on the possibilities creativity and imagination can create… If…

If movie has a star-studded cast some who make cameo appearances as voice actors that will have you looking up the casting of the movie when you run into a familiar celebrity voice in a line up that includes Emily Blunt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and the late Louis Gossett Jr.

Louis Gossett Jr as Lewis in IF movie
Louis Gossett Jr as Lewis in IF movie

Louis Gossett Jr. in on of his last roles gives a poignant and touching performance as Lewis the bear who despite not being a central character, comes across as the beating heart of the production with a dedication at the end of the credits.

IN loving memory of Luis Gossett Jr IF movie dedication

Ryan Reynolds stars in this movie playing a character that isn’t too far from his usual flippant style, being a sort of fun uncle who will be late to the party because he didn’t want to come and puts in just enough effort to still be charming.

Ryan Reynolds as Cal in IF movie
Ryan Reynolds as Cal in IF movie

The movie presents an imaginative premise, revolving around the exploration of a child’s imagination in a concept which is whimsical and thought-provoking, appealing to both children and adults.

At its core the movie is a family oriented movie about remembering the child within.

"…..The most important stories we have to tell, are the ones we tell ourselves."

The movie walks between a fine line of trying appeal to grown-ups as well as the kids and sometimes fumbles the mission when its not funny for kids and yet lacks depth to engage the adult.

For a movie that’s supposed to be family comedy, it has some heavy themes of loss and illness. A child whose lost a mother afraid of losing a father. Since the movie went down that route they could have spent a bit more plot time in showing how to deal with such trauma, than simply breezing past it.

I would say the movie’s target audience should be girl dads and uncles with nieces… and with that in mind the father – daughter dynamic could have been better explored, we never get to connect with the father who is about to get some major surgery  for some undisclosed condition which is jokingly described as a broken heart and he basically spends his time in a private hospital ward, being goofy…

John Krasinski as Bea's dad
John Krasinski as Bea’s dad in IF Movie

As a family focused movie, I found some of the creative direction questionable…. Like having a 12 year old spending a disturbing amount of time with a stranger following them around unsupervised, not to mention stalking them in the middle of the night and watching them breaking and entering into another child’s bedroom window… maybe I have grown conservative with age but that bit didn’t sit well with me.

Cal caught breaking into child's bedroom to get Blue in IF movie

IF is a fun heartwarming movie one can watch with whole family about family and imagination… Its not particularly memorable but some of the characters seem like they were made ready to merchandise…

Fun Fact: Brad Pitt is credited as being in the movie as Keith an invisible imaginary friend without any dialogue lines…. Wait what? Yep!

Responses to “Of If Movie Review”

  1. Huilahi avatar

    Great reviews as always. I’m not sure whether I will watch this film because I’m not a fan of this genre. That being said, I do admire the director John Krasinski. Krasinski is a fantastic filmmaker that has proven in the past he knows how to make engaging horror movies. Years ago, he made the fantastic horror film “A Quiet Place”. I’m not a big fan of horror movies but this one truly blew me away. In comparison, “If” does appear to be very different from his previous work. So, I’m still not entirely sure whether I will see it. But Krasinski is a great filmmaker without a doubt.

    Here’s why I enjoyed “A Quiet Place”:

    “A Quiet Place” (2018) – Movie Review

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    1. Beaton avatar

      This a different sort of film from John Krasinski, I loved A Quiet Place and I hear a Part 3 of it will be released early 2025 and a prequel is set to be released end of this month….

      As for this one I think the director must stick to the movies based on the premise that noise gets you killed….


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  2. Diana avatar

    Good review B! Maybe we will look this one up to watch since we are into Summer reruns. Right now we are watching a series on Prime Video called Clarkson’s Farm, have you heard of it? I heard about it on a podcast I listen too and it’s Jeremy Clarkson’s farm in UK. He was on Top Gear, and it’s such a great show. It’s all about farming, but how Jeremy is learning about farming! It’s funny, charming, beautiful and educational too. Hahaha! I highly recommend if you can get it. We are just starting season 3 and there’s going to be a season 4. Anyways, thanks for your reviews!! 👍😀

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    1. Beaton avatar

      Havent watched one that but I am a big fan of Jeremy Clarkson from the Top Gear days and then when he doing Grabd Tour another motoring show they drove through Zimbabwe… I think the episode is yet to show as I am curious with what the final video would be like.


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