Of Knock Knock: Parenting

A guide to how African Parenting styles as a reflection of how they knock on the child's bedroom door…. from my my lived experience Read on Becoming The Muse

When you knock on my bedroom door and I say “Hello?” What I mean is, “State you business and go away.” Its not an invitation to come in and sit by the bedside and engage on small talk about what I am writing and such…. Unless of course, I am living under your roof, then well your house is my house…

My parents personalities and parenting styles, growing up, could be surmised in the way they knocked on my bedroom door.

My dad rarely knocked, you could hear the rhythmic tapping of his wooden soled shoes as we walked past my door and then the pace slowed down and he would softly shout his message, “Whoever is not in the car in when I reverse out of the garage is walking to school…” Suffice it to say I never walked to school.

On the rare occasion that he knocked on the door, it was a soft, yet authoritative rhythmic knock that announced, Knock Knock: this is a door under my roof, I don’t have to knock but I expect to be treated with the respect I am extending to you. (-The if you know whats good for you was implied.)

Man knocking on door clipart

Most of those times he would open the door and speak with one foot firmly planted on the door’s threshold… If he got in, then it meant someone was in very big trouble…

My mum on the other hand, was the frequent visitor who knocked with brief staccato notes that concisely stated, Knock Knock: I am your mother, ready or not I am coming in…. and of course, she didn’t wait for acknowledgement…

woman on door clipart

Its almost like she wanted to catch you by surprise and see if you were doing anything you shouldn’t be doing, so as not give you the time to hide evidence of nefarious misdeeds.

Even the tour around the room as she spoke, gave an air of an inspection for anything out of amiss but nothing ever was, except of course for the untidy state of the room and the clothes on the floor that should be in the laundry basket and the laundered clothes draped on a closet door, that ought to have been ironed and packed away… and the curtains that were still unopened way past sunrise.

As she opened the curtains and the windows, she would emphasize on how having a neat room was a reflection of one’s mental acumen… and then add a scary story of someone who found a snake in their clothes or got bitten by a poisonous insect that had crawled into their clothes….

At my big age I still shake my clothes before wearing them, just to make sure there isn’t some creepy crawly nesting in there… I catch myself telling my nieces and nephews to tidy up their rooms as I tell them horror stories of snakes and insects and breeding in unfolded clothes… I wonder what my knock sounds like to them.

Knock knock … its me.


Responses to “Of Knock Knock: Parenting”

  1. Huilahi avatar

    A beautiful post. You definitely have raised some interesting points about parenting that ring true. Knocking on the door is a strong signal of what kind of parent a person has. Similar to your situation, my parents also had different ways of knocking on my door. While my dad would always knock the door in a gentle manner without making much noise, my mother wasn’t afraid of tearing the door down to ask me something. These differences reflected their different parenting styles. Whereas my father adopted a compassionate parenting style, my mother was more authoritarian in her approach to parenting. My mother has always been the kind of parent that pushes their child in an authoritarian manner. It’s a part of her personality that I’ve over time come to appreciate.

    This post brought to mind the wonderful coming-of-age film “Lady Bird”. It tells the story of a teenager girl that shares a complicated relationship with her demanding mother. It’s a beautiful film exploring themes of parenting you discussed in your post. Here’s why I recommend it:

    “Lady Bird” (2017) – Movie Review

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you…
      its fascinating to see how much insights one can get into a person by how they knock…
      Parenting is such a tricky thing and there isnt a one size fits all manual to follow, everyone pretty much makes it up as they go along.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pooja G avatar

    Really great post, I think you can even tell from someone’s walk. I always recognise people from their walk.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      I can also tell things from people’s walks too like if they are running… it probably means they are late 😂 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pooja G avatar



  3. Winnie Naigaga avatar

    I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣

    Whoever is not in the car when I get in…LOL knowing well it’s you missing

    Why don’t they just call the name of the missing culprit instead of generalizing stuff?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      😂 😂
      It really was super general once upon my time even mum was not immune to the punctuality rules… people would get left behind… if we said we are leaving at 6, we left at 6 thats not when someone started looking for their shoes 😂
      Fun times

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Winnie Naigaga avatar


        Your Dad had veteran moves…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Diana avatar

    Love this post! I really can’t remember my parents knocking, I think I always had my door open, or ajar!! Hahaha, I’m old and those years are like gone out of my head. I will say roles got reversed where my parents lost their house (long story) and ended up living with me and my family with my kids. I always worked a weird schedule – mostly night shifts so I slept during the day. We really never had doors shut long enough to ever need to knock. I think the subject of parenting is very interesting. One big thing I wish my parents taught us kids was how important boundaries are in any relationship. I’m learning how important boundaries are for the first time in my life and I’m in my 60’s ~ anyhow, a great topic and I’ll end here so I don’t run too long cuz I think this is an interesting topic! 😀

    I hope you are doing good B! 🤗💞


  5. musanjufu benjamin kavubu avatar

    Meanwhile the anchor link has failed to work for me and Spotify podcasts are not really available where I am


    1. Beaton avatar

      Actually the Spotify Podcasts are not available to me as well, was trying to see if I could workaround the restrictions given the incoming changes.
      The hoops we have to jump through to find the solution that has least amount of inconvenience
      Am even considering uploading directly to the blog but that would cost me in terms of media storage space.


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