Of Dreamer: The Activation Of Makeba

Dreamer The Activation Of Makeba

Dreamer: Activation of Makeba is a debut YA fantasy novel by Tanya Junghans.  It was published by Blackbird Books on 1 June 2023.

Dreamer The Activation Of Makeba

Thando Weber a half South African and half Swiss girl is the last surviving descendant of the Watchers of Realms a powerful race of light beings who watch over the Milky Way galaxy. She suffers from sleepwalking and debilitating hallucinations which stem from her transformation into a dreamer.

Circumstances lead to Thando having to leave Switzerland for South Africa on a quest to connect with her mother’s Zulu side of the family and to train with traditional healers and ancestral guardians to become the next Dreamer.

The Good

The book is a fantasy tale rooted in Zulu culture and African Mythology. Thando’s journey to becoming a the next Dreamer – an interdimensional traveller and protector of the Earth Realm, is similar to the journey undertaken by one with a calling to become a sangoma or traditional healer with their Gobela.

Tanya brings to life in written form, a tale that showcases the rich and diverse tapestry that is the culture and mythology of South Africa and the Zulu people.  Mythical creatures and beings such as  uMamlambo an interdimensional creature that resides in water bodies and manifest as a snake or mermaid, iNkanyamba the water serpernt and the persky iNtulo reptilian humanoids.

While the book has fantastic elements and magical realism, at its core, it’s a story about identity as Thando Weber struggles to come to terms with her inner demons, family and culture. Anyone who has gone on a self-discovery journey will find aspects of Thando relatable. 

The Bad

That it ends…. Reaching the end feels like saying goodbye to a part of your soul just when you were about to find out your reason for existence…. Hopefully its not a long wait to the next instalment.

The pacing starts off slowly, building momentum and towards the end its rushing by with not enough time to unpack everything that’s happening or happened as the tale flashes forward through time.

The Ugly

Thando under goes some traumatic experiences from sleep walking to hallucinations, and practically being haunted by a creature gruesomely killing people. She has suicidal thoughts and sometimes acts recklessly… but then she’s barely 19 just after her coming of age ceremony, Umemulo.

The book shows the duality in African Mythology where beings are not always benevolent and can harm you than help you depending on temperament. It also explored how not all traditional healers are to be trusted and a certain care is needed.

Final Thoughts

Fun Fact: Tanya conjured up the character and the world of Rahana from a a literal dream.

The book is a duology, the first one of two which are part of the Dreamerverse.

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