Of The Muse: In Retrospect

We almost half-way through the year, whats my year in blogging been like:

This is my 90th post of the year and I have clocked over 46K words but who is counting?

2024 in review

To the casual observer my blog might seem like, it’s a mixed bag of content where you will never know what kind of post will turn up next… but there is a formula to the madness each post is a piece of the puzzle that is me and a glimpse into my lived experiences…

Becoming The Muse

My tagline for this year has been my tangle of words, because my posts are like a rabbit’s footprints, in the sand all over the place, but its still coming from somewhere and heading somewhere… untangle the words and understand not only me but the world around me.

The most fascinating thing I have discovered from my blogging is that I am not only creating content for today but for the future, sometimes I will post an article that does not make any ripples and goes quietly into the digital goodnight of unread posts… and then one day, maybe years later even, someone will search for that exact post.

I wrote a review of Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter, several years back and forgot about it. Ever since the book was adapted into a scifi show that premiered in May on Apple TV+ the post has been getting a lot of traffic… well some of that could have been, me going back to the review so I could remember what the book was about 😂 sometimes the person you are writing for is your futureself….

Naturally, once I have watched all the episodes, I will also drop a review of the series and maybe do a comparison post on the book versus series, the verdict is still out. One key message from both the series and the book is about the road not taken….

Dark Matter Episode 2 T.S. Elliot Quote
Dark Matter TV Series

It underlines a sentiment that has been a fundamental part of my blogging journey of honouring each chapter of my life… When I go through my old blog posts I get an appreciation of where and who I was at that particular point in the path and how each step I have taken has led me from there to here.

Facebook memories brought back what might have seemed like a random wishful thought 12 years ago, but looking back to this moment are you surprised coffee and reviews became such a staple content….

having a successful career consits of finding something you love doing and are
really good at and then finding someone to pay you to do it......
now if only i could find someone to pay me to watch tv in bed with cup of
coffee and biscuits on a cold day #wishfulthinking


PS Still working on the finding someone to pay me, but a bit of coffee would be awesome. ☕

Coffee With Best of The Muse 2023

Buy me coffee

support my tangle of words


Responses to “Of The Muse: In Retrospect”

  1. musanjufu benjamin kavubu avatar

    Today I couldn’t find the comment section in the browser so I come to the app, that podcast feature how are you planning on keeping it after 29 July, also I can relate to why you blog and the future aspect for creating content

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      As for the podcast feature, I think it should still work what will change might be the agreggator platform for uploading the content but I am also looking at alternative ways of expanding… maybe might shift video to include video…. hmmm let me add that into day 10 post.



  2. Bookstooge avatar

    Congrats man! That’s a pretty steady output, especially considering the electricity issues you’ve had for so long.

    I know I write my book reviews for my future self. Give me 2 months and I couldn’t tell you a thing about Book X. So the review is absolutely necessary to me 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you… its not easy but one has to marvel at people’s capacity to adapt to situations. Also the blog kinda keeps me and channels the restless energy.

      We are so not elephants our memories arent steel traps that contain the vast thoughts that we process, maybe some lucky few have perfect recall but us regular mortals gotta do it the only way we know how, by documenting it. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Winnie Naigaga avatar

    Who is that counting your word count? Who?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      AI 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Winnie Naigaga avatar

    AI is being intimidating us who have less than 30 posts so far

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      by the time WinterABC ends you will be close to fifty, the numbers go up post by post, word by word, no rush, no pressure.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Winnie Naigaga avatar



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