Of Coffee With ZiG Mari

Coffee with ZiG ZaG Mari

If you were having coffee with me, I would welcome you to my corner of the internet and invite you to make yourself at home, the weather has been very weathery of late, its like experiencing all the seasons in one day, winter in the morning, scorching summer at midday, late afternoon thundershowers and freezing nights.

Its been a week since a new currency the ZiG was announced and so far its been mostly chaos and service providers sneaking in increments in prices under the guise of price “conversion”. The hardest hit has been the commuting public where change for commuter fares that normally cost $1 for two passengers, either just bumping up the price to $1 or inventive use of snacks and other nicknacks as “change” or simply pairing off passengers to resolve the change between themselves… Retailers usually just force you to pick extras stuff for your change.

Conductor paying change in snacks

If you were having coffee with me, I would tell you that part of the problem stems from that as soon as they announced the new currency no one wanted anything to do with the old currency… Think of it like a game of musical chairs anyone left holding the old currency notes at the end of the month when the music stops will be left be left with a worthless pile of paper…

Why doesn’t one simply bank the old notes you might be wondering, well for some strange reason the Reserve Bank Governor decided to add a KYC requirement declaring how one came by such money, for anyone depositing over ZWL $100 000 which would be about $3 at the closing interbank rate for the ZWL.

The government has launched blitz operation to arrest those who are refusing to accept the old Zimbabwean dollar notes which remain as legal tender until the end of month… Funny thing is the police who are policing the exercise refuse to accept bribes in the local currency but will happily accept United States Dollars, so what for must happen.?

If you are having coffee with me, I would tell you that Econet mobile telecommunication company introduced “revised” tariffs for their data which is a low key way of saying they increased their prices. Now their prices for data bundles costs more than its cost in the United States Dollar which is a subtle way of saying they prefer you pay for their services in United States Dollars.

An equally strange coincidence is that on the day Econet announced its new pricing structure, Starlink users in Zimbabwe received an email citing that they are using the service in an unregulated territory and the Postal and Telecommunications Regulation Authority has requested that Starlink services be disabled pending an official agreement. Imagine if you had forked out money to acquire a Starlink kit and overnight it threatened to become an expensive paperweight… as we say in Shona “Murombo haarove chinenguwo

Starlink to be disabled in Zimbabwe

If you were having coffee with me I would tell you that shopping in the supermarket is currently an interesting experience everyone is out with their calculators trying to figure out whats going and everyone has this slightly quizzical expression, including the cashiers who just smile as they explain the how the price is the way it is…

If you meet any random Zimbabwe in the street and simply… “Ah these ZiGs!” you will have your ear chewed up as someone narrates their ordeals over the currency conversion. But of course we try to lighten it with a joke and maybe make a catchy jingle…


ZigChallenge ZigMari

♬ original sound – ~B

Whats been going on in the world? I have been so focused on our domestic issues its like you open your eyes and realise maybe that a third world war might not be the distant unlikely to happen event as we tend to think.

Whats been goin on in your neck of the woods?


Responses to “Of Coffee With ZiG Mari”

  1. Bookstooge avatar

    Oh my goodness B, you do not want to hear all the circuses and destruction of democracy here in the United States. It won’t be long before we’re at your level in terms of infrastructure and total political corruption 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Most days cant help feel “democracy” is a fairytale we tell ourselves in seeming like we have a choice in picking those who make the decisions for us and line pockets with tax payers funds….
      Anyhoo… we breathe and hopefully learn and maybe write some fun blog posts about how life could be worse as giraffes 🦒


      Liked by 1 person

  2. hethrgood avatar

    Wow—the change issue is wild!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Its crazy with a capital K.
      Honestly I cant understand why they would introduce a new currency when they havent finished printing it out… Now we in a sort of limbo state… I am so glad I am not an accountant or auditor because balncing the books is going to be wild business


      Liked by 1 person

      1. hethrgood avatar

        ::shaking my head::


  3. Thistles and Kiwis avatar

    So interesting – and nothing about it in the news either.

    Here in NZ it is all about cuts to the public sector and a partner in the coalition that is racist – such a change in the political climate in the past 6 months.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      The news and the lived reality might as well as be apples and oranges. 😂

      Sounds like there’s politricks are that side too .
      Thanks for dropping by


  4. Of Coffee With ZITF – Becoming The Muse avatar

    […] Then of course there is the Bulawayo Maths, where people tend to favour using Rands for some transactions such as commuter fare resulting in what looks like very dodgy financial transactions to the uninitiated (especially on the backdrop of being in between a currency restructure) […]


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