Of Tomorrow’s A Gentle Whisper

Tomorrow is a gentle whisper Becoming The Muse

Tomorrow is a gentle whisper,
A dawn yet to break,
A canvas still unpainted,
A journey we’ve yet to take.

Tomorrow speaks in quiet tones,
Of dreams woven in moonlight,
Of hopes resting softly,
In the cradle of the night.

Tomorrow is a gentle muse,
In the hush before dawn,
In the darkness before sunrise,
A promise that burns bright.

Tomorrow’s winds will blow
Ushering a golden glow,
Of promises kept and dreams renewed,
Of worries solved and hopes restored.

Lay down your burdened heart,
Let your worries softly cease,
There’s always hope in the morning
Embrace the calm and peace.

For tomorrow’s a gentle whisper.

Your thoughts.. if you will?

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