Of Jabu’s Homecoming WhatsApp Drama Series Review

Last week was the premiere of a highly anticipated drama series that had been hyped as a Zimbabwean Original Whats App Drama series Jabu’s Homecoming… The novelty concept had people glued to their green apps to see how it would play out…

Jabu's homecoming Zimbabwean WhatsApp Drama

Its been a few days since the series ended having run for three days from the 16th of May to the 18th  of May. It also turned out that the drama series was really an innovative marketing campaign by a Life Assurance company, Zimnat…. (makes sense as I had wondered how the production would make money)

Dont be like Jabu 
Do the right thing 
Diaspora Funeral Plan

Firstly hats off to this adventurous corporate for being willing to push boundaries. I am sure they could have easily shot a video commercial but instead chose to be not only creative and innovative but inclusive while also making use of the talents in the creative field marrying social media, instant messaging and marketing.

Jabu's homecoming by Zimnat

Sure, it could have been better executed but how do you plan for something that has never been done before except to just do it and learn from the feedback. I still give them top points and because I am me, let me just drop a review of Jabu’s Homecoming A Zimbabwe Exclusive WhatsApp Drama

The Good           

The idea of being in an immersive drama with the audience watching the story unfold as chats, like spectators in a family WhatsApp, is a genius idea.

Jabu's homecoming whatsapp group

They managed to get a hype and a buzz going around that made it trend and the designated WhatsApp groups were filling fast fast26 Whatsapp groups with 200+ people, that’s a 5000+ reach…

They took into consideration the data usage and used optimized images… A social media user made the comment that, “…at least they didn’t waste our data.”

For extra points, the characters communicated in a mixture of English, Shona and Ndebele drawing in a wide demographic.

The Bad

First of all it was overhyped and people were expecting it to be so much more, while the story premise is interesting; Jabu dies in South Africa and his family in Zimbabwe creates a WhatsApp group to handle the body repatriation. As one who watches TV Soapies for research purposes of course, I expected… more… “drama

I mean they had a dead man without an insurance policy, a swindling uncle, a hysteric mother, an enterprising widow scheming with her husband’s mistress, but the drama was more inferred than delivered. A Twitter comment by Miss Graca aptly summarized the drama by saying the only dramatic thing was the number of people exiting the group….

The Ugly

The pacing of the story was awkward and it didn’t help that it was punctuated with people exiting the group. Some had expected more of video than simply being flies on the wall in a WhatsApp Group where only the admin could comment. As some people had observed the chats weren’t quite cohesive and I know WhatsApp groups can be lit, I really wasn’t feeling this family chat group…

If it was my family Whatsapp group I would have exited, of course they would have added me right back. One can never really leave a family WhatsApp without facing serious repercussions and a family intervention on why you are trying to break relatives heart… well at least in my family that’s how it would play out.

I cant begin to imagine the admin involved in running conversations in 26 WhatsApp Groups which might also explain the challenges in the pacing of the story. Low key I even suspect it could have been one person posting from the six different numbers haha….

Jabu's homecoming WhatsApp Group

Final Thoughts

Great idea, from the Corporate’s perspective they got their moment in the sun, their brand is getting coverage as the package touches on issues real as day for Zimbabweans with family living outside the country… And everyone wants a dignified send-off

Come back home a hero with the homecoming plan

The possibilities of a proper WhatsApp Drama, I hope this wont be the end of such an initiative, there’s a market of people who would do with internet bundle sensitive entertainment.

Also now that what seems like the primary purpose of the WhatsApp groups has been served what next…

Jabu's homecoming WhatsApp Group exit

Should I exit the group too?


Responses to “Of Jabu’s Homecoming WhatsApp Drama Series Review”

  1. Brenda Nakandi avatar

    Interesting strategy!!! Although I wonder how you were added in the first place before I tell you if you should leave.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I asked to be added in the group 🤣



      1. Brenda Nakandi avatar

        Hahaha you should also ask your out


  2. Kudzanai avatar

    Yes leave the group😂😯. I didn’t like the series because there wasn’t any drama, and I felt cheated when I realised its a marketing strategy. But Kudos to them it was creative and something different which corporates should consider doing. I don’t another short story at least now I’m prepared of what will come

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      hahahaha absolutely, I feel a tad cheated but hey the scored a brilliant marketing coup good for them


      1. Kudzanai avatar

        Indeed! Great job there.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Kudzanai avatar



  4. dprastka avatar

    Interesting and very creative! I think I would have felt a tad cheated too, but who would of thought something like this would even work at all? Thanks for the reviews!
    I have to say I’ve only used WhatsApp with my daughter when she traveled to South Korea and Japan. But since then we found Facebook messenger works too. Thanks B!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Well here Whatsapp has become the more default form of instant messing and for a “cheap” charge, mobile networks offer a package which gives WhatsApp access only.
      At first they tried to get it barred since people stopped making proper voice calls and text messages opting for the marginally cheaper and practically free whatsapp calls and texts but now they just rolling with it
      Interesting times

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sam "Goldie" Kirk avatar

    OK, so I’m not sure if I’m understanding this correctly. It was a Whatsapp group chat? Did people record their voice or was it just text or both? Any videos? I’m just confused about this format. It seems very innovative, though, so I will give them that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      I was going to share link with previous article on this thing but I see you found it🤣

      Liked by 1 person

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