of Winky D’s Area 51 lyrics and translation

Winky D’s album has some light-hearted romance in it like this song Area 51.

Wink D refers to himself as an Extraterrestial maybe because he is out of this world and one of his album’s art had this cryptic image as the cover art.

Winky D Chi extraterrestrial gafa futi

In Area 51 Wink sings about wanting to take a lady to come meet his relatives at Area 51. People have joked that one can’t fully experience the song without having learnt sciences at school ^_^

Area 51

Ndoda kukutora ndokuIntroducer kumaCousins
(I want to take you and introduce you to my cousins)
Vanombokubvunza kuma Family functions
(they ask about you at family functions)
Hanzi aripi muroora
(where is our daughter-in-law they ask)
Huya naye timbomuona
(bring her so we may see her)
Ndoda kumbokuratidza vedzinza rangu
(I want to show you my kinsmen)
Ukafara muFamily ndokupinza hangu
(if you are happy I will add you to my family)
Ivo vakakufarira hapana chekumirira
(If they like you there’s nothing to wait for)
Tobva tangobatanidzwa wangu
(we will be joined in matrimony)

Ndichakutora toenda tese kuArea 51
(I will take you to Area 51)
Ndokuratidza hama dzese because bhebhi handisi 1
(I will show you all my relatives because baby I am not only one)
Zviriko zvimwe zvima Extra
(there are so many other Extra)
Kune vaimbi nemaActor
(there’s singers and actors)
MaScientist nemaDoctor
(scientists and doctors)
Nevakagadzira Tesla
(and those who made the tesla)

Ndokwatinosangana paukama
(this is where my clansmen meet)
Ndoda kuenda newe kumbira Mhamha
(I will take you, ask your mom for permission)
Ndokwatosangana maExtraterrestrial
(this where us Extraterrestrial meet)
Usazovhunduka, dzikama
(don’t be afraid, stay calm)
Hakumbodi mota kana ndege kusvika ikoko, we teleport
(you wont need a car or plane to get there, we teleport)
NeSplit second tinenge tava paSpot
In a split second we will have reached the spot)
Imi majaira transport
(You are used to conventional transport)
Ndobva ndakuratidza zitateguru Einstein reTheory yeRelativity
(I will show you my ancestor Einstein of the Theory of Relativity)
Isaac Newton akatiudza zveGravity
(Isaac Newton who taught us about gravity)
Panzvimbo anenge ari tii
(that’s where he will be)
Saka kuti tiende uri kudei
(what do you need for us to go)
Taura ndokupei
(tell me what shall I get you)
Usazoti zuva rinobuda, unotisekesa naGalileo Galilei
(Don’t say the sun rises, Galileo Galilei will laugh at us)

Ndichakutora toenda tese kuArea 51
(I will take you to Area 51)
Ndokuratidza hama dzese becoz bhebhi handisi 1
(I will show you all my relatives because I am not only one)
Zviriko zvimwe zvima Extra
(there are so many other Extra)
Kune vaimbi nemaActor
(there’s singers and actors)
MaScientist nemaDoctor
(scientists and doctors)
Nevakagadzira Tesla
(and those who made the tesla)

Saka ndopamuzinda pemaExtraterrestrial
(so this is the home of Extraterrestrials)
NdakamboInviter vamwe kuZimbabwe vakanomhara kuAriel
(I once invited some of them and they came to Zimbabwe and landed at Ariel)
Kuti tirasise vazhinji tichanyepa kuti kune show
(To mislead the masses we will lie that there’s a show)
Chisara uchiPacker, kuma time time tonopinda muchi UFO
(stay and pack and later we will board a UFO)
Tinenge tava good to go
(we will be good to go)

Usakwate ndoda kukuKeeper kunge Secret
(Don’t be afraid, I will be your keeper like a secret)
Ndobva ndakumbundira, handimbokusiya uchidonha kunge comet
(I will hold you and not let you fall like a comet)
NdichakuIntroducer kune vanhu vari smart se iPhone
(I will introduce you to people smart like an iPhone)
Vana Neil DeGrassi Tyson
(The likes of Neil Degrassi Tyson)
Mushakabvu Stephen Hawking
(The late Stephen Hawking)
Ndomadhara tingori maOffsprings
(They are the elders we are offsprings)
Zvichaita kunge maTricks
(it may seem like tricks)
Saka ndinokumbira umbotanga waona Matrix
(so I’ll ask you to first watch the Matrix)
Kana zvakuitika usavhunduke, dzikama please
(when it happens dont be afraid, please stay calm)

Ndokuratidza hama dzese becoz bhebhi handisi 1
(I will show you all my relatives because I am not only one)
Zviriko zvimwe zvima Extra
(there are so many other Extra)
Kune vaimbi nemaActor
(there’s singers and actors)
MaScientist nemaDoctor
(scientists and doctors)
NaJusa Dementor
And Jusa Dementor

*Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force located in the Nevada Test and Training range. The secrecy of what goes at this location coupled with Hollywood movies has fueled the suspicion that they deal with extraterrestrial lifeforms and Unidentified flying Objects

There was a Facebook event termed Storm Area 51 to see them aliens event owner dismissed it as a joke and over 2 million people responded as being interested or going. The US government highly discouraged people from trying to come to the area as it trains armed forces there.

Responses to “of Winky D’s Area 51 lyrics and translation”

  1. ghostmmnc avatar

    Cool song! I like how it sounds, and the lyrics are great. Well, you know I always like subjects of UFOs and ETs and Area 51. Thanks, B! 🙂


    1. Beaton avatar

      hahaha thanks seeing there is a spot of teleporting in there too, one can see how such subjects would be fascinating …

      It is a nice track I love it, quick question ever had an encounter with ETs, UFOs and well area 51. I think I first heard about it the movie Indepencence day or possibly ET go home whichever came first hahahaha
      havent seen any aliens yet but I have seen some strange lights in the sky cold have a been a plane or satellite but who knows for certain
      are we alone?


  2. Josh Gross | The Jaguar avatar

    Haha, Winky D seems like an awesome man! I wonder how many other extraterrestrials we’re surrounded by…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Winky D. is a phenomenal creative and has also gone by the moniker the ninja president…….

      I have long since suspected they live among us…. Or maybe they are time travellers people who know more than they should

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Josh Gross | The Jaguar avatar

        I wish I was a time traveller…I’d never leave to 90’s or early 2000’s.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. rukutitus avatar

    Winky is The Goat, you nailed it ~B

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar



  4. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    He is a really creative artist.


  5. ben avatar

    This is great thanks B but i think guys at area 51 should listen to the song and also get these lyrics im sure they’ll enjoy. We are here extraterrestrials!!
    lol 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Hi Ben
      Thanks I absolutely agree … do you have the phone number of any of the generals at Area 51 on speed dial ^_^


  6. oneta hayes avatar

    Hi, Beaton. I see you are doing some reading in my blog. Thanks. I read a post tonight which referred you as a guest writer. I don’t remember who, but congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar


      The post would have to be on Renard’s World blog on Engagements .. That’s one of my more recent guest posts.

      Cheers to the week


  7. Daedalus Lex avatar

    I can’t understand the words, but I LOVE the sound of them (and of the music). As another great song, the hippie anthem “Woodstock,” says, we are are ETs, our atoms made of “stardust” and “billion-year-old carbon” from the heart of the universe. Thanks for a great post. Gary

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Gary
      Yep the beauty about good music is how it transcends languages


      Liked by 1 person

  8. Mafios shonz avatar

    Winky is an extra ordinary talent

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Indeed he is

      Chi Gafa


  9. Of Luke at 25 – Becoming The Muse avatar

    […] you hit 25 that yesteryear song by Winky D hits […]


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