Of Becoming….

Today is the day I was born, well I was not born today, but on this day years ago, that’s when I entered this world and each day after that I became the man I will be……

The first birthday present I ever got would have to be my name, I read somewhere about how its interesting to note that names have a subtle but definite effect on the person you will be… (you can click here to read more on my name if the curiosity moves you)

hello my name is........

Who am I?

I am the guy with grey wisdom beyond my years and each day the snow creeps into my salt and paper beard as my hair grows longer

Dreadlocked rasta
heart shaped dread locks

I never quite joined the beard gang team because my genes had a hilarious sense of humour, as my beard refused to connect until the snow storm had come.

Salt and paper beard

I am becoming immortal with each word that I share and that is why I keep this blog, for my story, my history and the magic in my ancestry to live on, long after I am no longer here to tell it….

Salt and pepper beard dread locked rasta

I am told I could talk before I could walk, I must have been quite the weirdly freakish child, ordering people around like a boss baby to come fetch me since I could neither walk nor crawl

Boss baby

When I eventually got tired of sitting around, I simply got up and took my first steps skipping the whole crawling phase. Just imagine, I must have been quite the piece of work…

I am the analogue man who has become digital, I stopped telling stories and started writing them, perhaps I am becoming a dragon starting metaphorical fires with a few keystrokes.

I have had my blog enough to understand the need for a blogging niche and also to be perfectly OK with that my blog does not fall into a single perfect niche, its all over the place like a rabbit’s footprints in the snow but its mine and I do me…..

I am becoming… my own muse and in musing me I amuse you….

Becoming The Muse

I try to not get caught up in “EGOnomics” and all that obsession over blog stats and likes but I still love that someone out there is reading me, funny how I have a journal I have never written in because it looks far too nice for my mundane thoughts yet a quick look at some of the birthday wishes from my Twitter timeline show I must be doing something good


The Muse


Responses to “Of Becoming….”

  1. Pleasant Street avatar

    Happy Birthday, you are still much younger than I! I remember you were one of the first blogs I followed and followed me back, when I came to WP, Cheers for a good, healthy year–

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Then I guess a have quite a lot of birthdays ahead of me to catch up hahahaha thank you.
      You know were one of the very first people to follow my blog and I was immensely honoured and surprised, cause this was when I had just changed my post access from private to public but look at me now all ready to become a blogging mentor to some how time flies…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Renard Moreau avatar

    🙂 Happy birthday to you, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Many thanks Renard appreciate

      Liked by 1 person

  3. heyanci avatar

    I am a day late to the birthday party. Happy birthday modern day dreadlocked Shakespeare.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      You are not late, I am thinking of this as day three of my birthday, The Aftermath hahahaha
      **Shakes my gory locks**
      thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Laura avatar

    Happy birthday B!
    I hope it was fantastic
    Love and light from a distance

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Many thanks Laura muchos gracias♥♥♥


  5. Ash avatar

    Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Ash ♥♥♥
      It was wonderful and the energy is still rubbing off.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Gary A Wilson avatar

    Become whatever you like, but you already are part of a healthy reading habit.
    Press on my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Gary.
      Your encouragement means a lot, much appreciated I shall name my next slice of cake in your honour and eat it!!!!!


  7. uratilwee avatar

    Happy birthday B💙


  8. Diajeta Abboh avatar

    Belated Birthday blessings to you B, write on. 🌻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      its day three of my birthday and I have dubbed it the Aftermath so your wishes are not even late you write on time ha! see what I did there


  9. Bryan Fagan avatar

    Happy Birthday my good friend. I am so happy we met. Whenever a new post appears in my e-mail it is the first one I read. Don’t you dare follow a niche. 🙂

    I hope you had a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Niches are so limiting one day I might want to write flash fiction and the next day a burning social commentary then some quiet introspection the day after that I really cant be bound by definitions and you really wont know what to expect in my next post and the beauty of it…. neither will I hahahaha
      Thank you Bryan.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bryan Fagan avatar

        That’s what I like about you. You always keep me guessing. 🙂


  10. shuvai mlilo avatar

    Happy birthday, its day 3 of the aftermath so there is no need to say belated. May you continue to write and muse us for a long long time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Exactly!!!!! Thank you


  11. kutiyela avatar

    Happy belated birthday B and keep writing! I love to read your posts, ciao from Switzerland

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you and I much appreciate your visits means a lot you would travel from the other side of the globe to these here parts, thanks to the beauty of the interwebs

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Morongoa Diseko avatar

    Although mine is late but I hope you receive it well, happy velated birthday, may you see many more, so we may be graced with your presence a little longer

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Morongoa for the wishes I appreciate


  13. Jaber Jasunga avatar

    Happy Belated birthday🎂🎁🎉, I just came across your blog this morning and hated myself for not doing so earlier😂😂of hatred and regrets, right?
    Please find me wherever😹😹
    Of findings and new friendships, I love coffee

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you for the wishes lets see its exactly a month since my birthday so its kinda like my birthday anniversary hahahaha
      I am so glad you found you my blog too, of no regrets, what happened happened and could not have happened in any other way ^_^
      Of spending too much time on a blog, hahaha somebody’s definitely been camped on my blog posts ^_^ funny thing last night someone said my blog post titles have certain shall we call it consistency and they could almost predict my blog titles.
      thanks for finding me, you must tell me how you discovered my blog this morning (checks the time … that was around six in the morning Central African Time) and I will definitely come find you


  14. @boldcolours avatar

    Dear Beaton, I burst out laughing when I imagined you talking before you could walk. The picture I conjured in my mind of you doing this made me laugh a lot. Anyways belated happy birthday to you. Hope you had a good time.


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