Of Birth Days

Becoming the muse Birthday

Birthdays are awesome things, they are the one day in the year people are extremely nice to you (not counting weddings) for simply breathing. People pop out from all over the woodwork to wish you happy birthday, for one day you feel like a celebrity people giving you gifts for literally just being ALIVE….

Heart ECG

Tell a random stranger its your birthday today and they will smile; tell you congratulations and wish you many more. You might even get personalized service or a complimentary on the house treat (dont get any ideas….) but I want to be rich and famous enough to never have to pay for anything.

Sometimes I wish we had birthdays every day or at least if people treated as on your birthday every day.
If anyone really deserves to get a gift on your birthday it would be our mothers, I mean they did all the hard labour…….. and you simply got your first birthday present, Your Name.

hello my name is........
My first birthday gift

I like to think of birthdays as nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake and apparently the more cake you eat, the longer you live, count the candles on your cake if you don’t believe……….


Happy Birthday
Let them eat cake

The world population is mind boggingly huge and everyday someone somewhere has a birthday. Everyday I check my email (I used to have over 1000 unread emails but I am pleased to now run a tight inbox)

The first email of the day is always invariably  a birthday notification from Facebook telling me someone I know has a birthday and I must let them know I am thinking about them…..

facebook birthday Email notifications
I love this Facebook feature because it helps me identify unnecessary individuals in my friends list who need removing…. (by the way does anyone else find it remotely disturbing that the address Facebook and Instagram is 1 Hacker Way)

and the kind I always promise “we should catch up”………..

We should catch up text

sometimes life happens:

So I always say I will deactivate my FB notifications but I never get round to it, they are quite helpful…….

Note well: If you write HBD on my Facebook wall for my birthday, I will block you.

PS Today is my mother’s birthday, she turns something a year older than she was last year, a lady always maintains an element of mystery, correct?

to one who bears the sweetest names
To one who bears a Blessed name

Happy birthday to the woman whom if she never existed neither would we

Blessed Family

Blessed's Family
Blessed’s Family

cakes and laughter…….

cutting birthday cake

happy birthday Mum


Responses to “Of Birth Days”

  1. Shuvai Mlilo avatar

    That’s a very sweet tribute to your mom. This is my birthday month too (insert Smiley), I turn a year older than last year. Queens were born in DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beaton avatar

      hello December babies ♥♥♥♥♥


  2. mmalip avatar

    I like to post Happy Mother’s Day to the moms who post about their child’s birthdays. I am not so great at wishing people a happy birthday on the actual anniversary of their birth, but if I am thankful they were born, I try to let them know. Oh my! I just noticed it’s snowing! In Zimbabwe? Happy birthday to your lovely mother. And happy birthday to you, too. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have never known about your mother.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Haha it doesn’t snow in Zimbabwe, I have never seen snow but I was feeling festive and let my blog snow, let it snow, let it snow….

      Thank you



  3. Josh Gross | The Jaguar avatar

    Wow B, I never realized that eating more cake makes you live longer! But now that you made your argument so logically, there’s no way I can disagree! I’m also always on the lookout for excuses to eat more cake…

    And happy (belated) birthday to your mother!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      The logic is undeniable 😂

      An excuse to eat cake is easy just say its someone’s birthday cheeks


      Liked by 1 person

  4. floatinggold avatar

    Great post! Totally agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you


      Liked by 1 person

  5. cafeavectwali avatar

    Interesting post! Happy Birthday to Mom 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you 🙂 glad you stopped by😆

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Steph McCoy avatar

    Wishing your mom a belated Happy Birthday!! This was a charming post. I might add another plus to eating cake: “Skinny people are easier to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beaton avatar

      Thank you Steph 😆

      Hahaha yep don’t be easy to kidnap learn self-defense and eat cake

      Liked by 1 person

    2. hhdwsehnlb avatar

      Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?


    3. fjiqjbhfbp avatar

      Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?


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